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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. 1km mast shot in sot


  2. Why you don't play with randos on Sea of Thieves 


  3. I knew it was a post. I've known about the rule I was making a joke about gunhand thinking he was unbanned because he was bringing new people to the server. Neither you nor nerdy understood that so nvm.
  4. Goddamn they changed a rule just for you to stay so you could make memes and you still leave.
  5. @Tacosmell Happy birthday to to the boy

  6. I'm gonna go ahead and give an early congrats to @JuanDeaged for sgt. It was well deserved sir

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. billdroid


      2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      but better


    3. Hurricane


      I mean @JuanDeaged is already a SGT just doesnt have the tags. 

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Juan is just gonna attend the meetings from Billy’s computer anyways

  7. @Skys You're a rat. Imagine reporting someone on a video game, loser.

  8. When SGTs see that @Luke Duke o7'd


    1. Millennium


      When noodles still thinks he finally might get LT 


  9. Yoyo was scripting so he could sell money to fix his dogshit pc. We need our comp!

    1. seth


      nah bro no way right

    2. johnny goose
  10. Alright I'm convinced YoYo man is using scripts. Single handedly cleaning the entire server.


    When he gets permed for scripting do I submit a comp ticket for my 250mil?

  11. BeTtInG sCrIpTs
  12. @DeadPool Happy birthday. Hope your parties fun!


    Also stop fucking deleting my status updates

  13. Yeah "Bet me" seems to be the most popular one recently.
  14. 0dcadf2727e29a5fb33246517d65e8f4.pngThese the type of people you play in cs

  15. Happy birthday to the loudest of all @buckie

    Happy birthday to the half sender @ikiled

  16. Anyone wanna do a close to 250mil bet?

  17. @Kedar Is still in the elevator and doesn't even know he's demoted.

    1. Truthy


      What happened 

  18. I'll start off the bid at 1mil
  19. Dude you really got your prices off. None of that shits worth anything really. That stings probably worth the most at 50k
  20. @Jester @Aleec Spazeed

    Thanks for the idea bud.

    1. bummm


      f l e s h l i g h t      u s e r

    2. PJ.


      You guys are such bullies

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