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Everything posted by codeYeTi

  1. If you post a clip of you turning ATOC off in your graphics settings and the bug persisting, I'll eat my hat (and my words).
  2. I probably shouldn't try to be productive here, but fuck it I'll chime in. There has been a well-known fix for this for a while (2+ months, and I found it within 5mins of googling when a gang member mentioned it), so I think punishing players knowingly abusing it is the right choice. That said, there's definitely some people who don't know that there's a fix available. To solve that, I think maybe a PSA on the forums would be worth it to notify people experiencing the issue what they should do to fix it, and that they will receive administrative punishment for not complying. Lastly, I agree with Bojo that regardless of the above, any action taken should be applied in a uniform manner, given all other variables (timing of report, ban history, etc.) being equal. I don't know when the report that @ SPBojo is talking about was submitted, so it may have been ages ago, when the issue was new, and it's not reasonable to expect people to have known the fix. I don't know if that's the case though; I just wanted to mention that it's a possibility. At the end of the day, in my opinion, a simple PSA either on the load screen or the forums could have prevented any ambiguity with regards to this. I still think that by this point, anyone running their game in the broken state should know better and be punished, but I think the transparency of just a PSA could have made it much clearer. tl;dr - I agree with the bans, but think they should be applied in a uniform manner. I also think that a PSA from staff about the issue could have helped to remove ambiguity and notify the uninformed about how to resolve the issue on their end. Side note - AMD... stop breaking your shader compiler in driver updates. kthxbai
  3. Shit. Engine update when I wanted to play. Thanks Bohemia.

    1. SPBojo


      go fix gangsheds, slave

    2. Noahhh!


      All my homies hate Bohemia.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      They are doing you a favor

  4. That was Watkins Glen haha. I put us in the wall in the S's at Road Atlanta after an LMP2 pushed us wide. (we were in GTLM there).
  5. I'm okay. P2 in 24hrs of Daytona, P8 in 24h of Nurbs. I just can't drive road atlanta for SHITE I know this isn't what you meant... but xD @ PUG
  6. lol I'm gonna yell "struggle" and see what they say
  7. You're civ council, well then help the man!
  8. I don't recall being anywhere near a zone, and I'm not healing right now either. Full Food+Water. Don't get me wrong I never liked that, but it does appear that there's at least *something* up with it.
  9. Bruhhhhhhh safari hat YASSS

  10. I literally had to pick through your post history to figure out who you were with the name change.

    Nice job through Eau Rouge in Q3 bub

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Fuck you, Lando Norris is the best driver on the grid you fucking chimpanzee 

    2. codeYeTi


      Put russell in the Bottmobile and we'll see who wins

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      George Russell got to drive Lewis Hamilton’s car and still couldn’t finish top 5

  11. Yuh BattlEye is misspelled in the olympus+ Ad thing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peterr


      uh which one? can’t remember typing battleye 

    3. codeYeTi


      @ Peterr I clicked the "Olympus+" banner on mobile, and it took me to a full-page ad with pictures of some skins and descriptions (3 across), the middle one was a "BATTLEEYE" instead of "BATTLEYE" yellow ifrit pic.

      Honestly nobody gonna notice but I just saw it

      Here's the page because apparently I can't attach files on here anymore, but - https://olympus-entertainment.com/subscriptions/1/

    4. Peterr


      ah yes that’s made by theory another designer. 

  12. Seeing @ Sociopathic 's "last online" on my Steam friends list still makes me sad.

    @ Millennium ... apparently started from the banned now we're here?

    @ Mason Harrison Just quit this game already.

    @ Winters Always thought you'd be a decent chief.

    See you all again in a few years when check the site again xD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Millennium


      Wowoow i just leave the forums open on my computer. Doesn’t mean im actively looking at it or anything

    3. CIA JOSH
    4. codeYeTi
  13. Bruh what was wrong with that status update?

  14. Imagine @Conte actually being 37

    1. Skys


      i think you accidentally added the 3 when you typed 7

    2. Theory


      your skydiving and your chute doesn't deploy what do you do

  15. I usually agree with you, but honestly, what's the point of sAPD if they aren't "real" managers? (Actual question, not rhetorical lol) EDIT: To explain, I think that APD became what it was when I stopped playing because people started feeling that they had to make every decision objectively. If you can't handle making decisions well, then you shouldn't be sAPD. I think it's funny how nobody interpreted this as the ability to promote if you're unfit for a lower rank. If you think that the APD leadership doesn't deserve your trust in their decisions, then don't partake in their APD. EDIT2: I don't know much about the current sAPD, so who knows what it actually means. I'm clearly not in the majority here haha
  16. @Zahzi that gang wars top bar toast gives me a little bit of cancer after the first like 5 times I see it ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zahzi


      Yeah me too but blame @Ryan

    3. codeYeTi


      @Grandma Gary I know you're old and senile and all, but the rest of us aren't used to having popups everywhere making our face look like your profile picture 😉

      @Zahzi it was mostly a joke lol, but it should probably not show up after the first time that you close it

    4. Zahzi


      Yeah, but this Ryan guy wanted it there lmao

  17. @Corporal Moob thanks for helping make Olympus what it is today. Happy birthday.

    People forget that without the old-school guys tolerating the game in the state it was in, we wouldn't have what we do now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. codeYeTi


      @Skys Eh, we'll see. I miss you guys lots. I needed some time after all that garbo, but we'll see. The game and server have potential still, despite the game being on the out in general

    3. Skys


      Miss playing with ya bud 😉

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      There are no dev's now - only skin and map designers

  18. Some super-cheap b-die if anyone’s building.


    Probably not on the QVL most places like G.skill stuff but manually inputting timings should  do it

    1. Revise


      have 3200mhz of that same ram with a r5 3600 and it works fine

    2. Skys


      dad why are you so cute

    3. Skorch


      most ppl aren't going to majorly benefit from b-die

  19. With all the bashing of the recent update going on, thought I'd go the other direction and say that the new rebel NPC naming + all looks pretty nice.

  20. Wow. Despite what I heard towards the end, I actually thought you had a great attitude, so I guess once again I'll leave you with the same advice. Do what keeps your interest, and stop the minute it stops being interesting, and you'll never hate what you do.

    GLHF @ikiled. TBH, wasn't expecting that one. Thanks for at least temporarily carrying the quite thankless torch.

  21. #BringYeTiBack @TheCmdrRex @Zahzi

    1. Strikke


      @codeYeTi Did you get Arma 3 multiplayer to fully work with the new Proton update? The review on version 4.11-5 says it works but when i tried it still crashes after 15min 😞

    2. monster
    3. Kedar
  22. Wow everything I’ve ever said about you was tight, wasn’t it?
  23. Certified video of TI playing.


    1. Haze


      We got a fan !!!

    2. proud
    3. Elements


      lol like those chubby cant move there body that fast

  24. Yea honestly we were do for someone to take a stand, but dear Oly community: witch hunting is bad.

    Maybe beneficial to me right now, but that shit is still bad

  25. Wow holy crap

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      13 minutes ago, Jimmy Jarvis said:

      bring back yeti

      dont think its worth it at this point. Staff is pretty fucking shit now

    3. Skys


      6 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      dont think its worth it at this point. Staff is pretty fucking shit now

      How dare you its always worth to bring yeti back he is our only hope for a dev with competence 

    4. Masonn
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