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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. Congratulations @Maddox @XnavrasX on Supervisor! Welcome to the team.

  2. Formally adding Pararescue to our rank structure in the handbook. Also a slight policy change to the way we promote S&R medics. Please note that while the merit system has officially been removed, we will continue to take into account poor medic behavior in holding back promotions if necessary. Please feel free to ask any of our seniors for additional information if you have any qualms/ concerns/ questions. @Medic @Senior R&R Member Changes appear in Red / Green Chapter XI - Rank Advancement Promotion Guidelines Promotions are generally conducted on Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon (EST), or at the discretion of the R&R Director. Times for promotions are gathered each Thursday. If a medic has not met their time requirement on Thursday, when times are gathered, he or she will not be promoted, even if they attain their minutes on Friday. Promotional reviews are based upon time spent on-duty, observations made by senior medics, and feedback provided by the citizens of Altis, to include peers, APD officers, and civilians. Medics can only be promoted once per week unless it is a special circumstance. For example, Medic of the Month award or Coordinator+ approval. Rank Requirements: Emergency Medical Technician – Inception Rank Basic Paramedic – 1,200 minutes of playtime Advanced Paramedic – 3,000 minutes of playtime Must be able to acquire Advanced Paramedic Certification (flight and verbal testing). Search & Rescue – 6,000 7,000 minutes of playtime Merit-based promotion Must be APC (Adv. Paramedic Cert.) flight certified. Must demonstrate Professionalism, Leadership, and Dedication. Must have 30 days time and grade. Must not have any recent disciplinary action Pararescue – Appointed (preferably 7,000 minutes of playtime or more) Must pass a specially designed test for the position. Must demonstrate professionalism, leadership, and dedication to the faction. Appointed by Sr. Medics based upon criteria chosen to reward good medic behavior such as: Role-play. Avoiding obvious hostage situations. Not playing as a 'sneaky' medic. Making every effort to keep players alive. Supervisor – Appointed (preferably 10,000 minutes of playtime or more) Must be a proficient pilot that is certified to fly for the Rescue and Recovery. Must be able to facilitate new hire interviews and Advanced Paramedic certification tests consistently. Must be able to complete desk duties by consistently and accurately updating data on a weekly basis. Must be able to make accurate and unbiased recommendations for promotions, demotions, and removals. Must be active both on the forums and in Team Speak by guiding, directing, and mentoring other medics. Coordinator – Appointed (preferably 20,000 minutes of playtime or more)
  3. o7 @Overlord wishing you the best in your next chapter!
  4. No changes other than explicit clarification that medics should not be providing rides into combat. @Medic @Senior R&R Member Changes Appear In Green Chapter XII - Income Medics are not authorized to engage in any unapproved legal or illegal enterprises that are not directly related to R&R operations. Authorized forms of income for on-duty medics are as follows: Base pay allocated to your bank every 5 minutes. Medics should provide rides to stranded individuals when able; however, medics must not charge people for rides under any circumstances. Common sense shall be exercised when fielding ride requests and selecting drop off points. Medics must not provide rides into combat situations. Medics may accept any unsolicited tip via ATM transfer, invoice or hand-to-hand transactions. Medics must not charge for a revive. Revive fees are automatically deducted and transferred. Medic DP missions (available at the APD or R&R market NPC). Fees and Prices are as follows: (Charges are based on the distance a medic must travel from his or her current location) Revive (Automatically Charged) $15,000 co-pay received automatically from patient Dopamine Shots (Automatically Charged) $10,000 insurance subsidy received automatically from Olympus Federal Government Medic Buddy System - Medics can partner up with each other with the Buddy System. You and your partner will share the money (50%) that is collected on all medical interactions. [Initiated by hitting the windows key on another medic and selecting "Buddy Up"]
  5. Congratulations @Mike Lit !! Also @Mako!


  6. Late to the party-- but a huge congratulations to @Fraali!! Well deserved.

  7. Happy Birthday @GluxDesigns @Shades hope it's a good one! 

    1. Shades


      Thanks. We’ll keep it real. 

  8. Happy Birthday @Cooper:P! I hope it's a great one for you! 🥳

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