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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. involve irl money ez
  2. sapd just said "fuck you" to all their sgts. Nice. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EatMeth


      36 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      After all, I literally was the guy who got him removed...

      I did nothing wrong


    3. ItsGG


      Idk sapd fucks around with making so many meme promotions literally dont know whats a meme anymore cause I thought recent sgt promotions were a meme but they were legit so i got no clue what real or not at all anymore.

    4. -dante-


      We don’t really do a lot of meme promotions. Randoms make random @s as jokes but we don’t do too many meme promotions. Also, the recent ones were meme to you because YOU wouldn’t pick them with all of your experiences with them? Interesting. 

  3. doing runs with tasers new meta?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo



    3. N7Zero


      not meta but beta.. doing runs without a gun is ALPHA :DPEducated:

    4. kev
  4. I think exceptions can be made for senior admin deputy chief of police
  5. I would say join ruby but we have a strict “rats only” policy and well ya know what most OS members are like lol Accept my headass I think I’m on #4 and if it’s means anything I like men and os needs diversity sooo
  6. Just thought recently that it would be nice to get some gang aesthetics in game like a skinned hat or uniform would be cool

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TRYHARD


      8 minutes ago, MonsteReZ said:

      havnt seen a server with custom gang uniforms that dont require whitelisting, and ive played most servers that have this feature, you could put them in the normal rebel clothing stores, but you would have some wanna be retards running around in gang uniforms even tho there not even in that gang

      Would it be possible to have everyone in the gang spawn in wearing the uniform? 

    3. monster


      ^ well i mean that would prob be #1 hard to do, #2 would they have gang vests?

    4. Civak


      21 minutes ago, MonsteReZ said:

      ^ well i mean that would prob be #1 hard to do, #2 would they have gang vests?

      Not hard to do, Jesse could easily manage it. Not sure how much Olympus has changed from the altis life framework, but when a player spawns there's a call to a function for player skins. Sort of like how cops have different textures for each rank, the same could be done for civilians by editing the civ loadout to account for members of gangs that have special clothes, adding the uniform that you want textured to them, and then checking for group player getVariable "gang_id" (or gang_name, however Jesse would decide to do it) and doing a switch with it to see which texture to apply. This would also cover whenever a player buys a new pair of fancy "gang clothes" and texture it accordingly.


      Hopefully this is actually done for an in-game fee. Would be nice to see.

      Edit: Gang vests would be a no-go.

  7. I mean there used to be 2 Olympus servers there for a while and Olympus was always competing with Asylum and I'd say always was a very close 2nd. Then somewhere we got Jesse and actually had an active dev team and people started to realize that Asylums servers were dog shit and you'd lose connaction every 40 minutes and their dev team was fucking the dog and we basically got a lot of asylum players coming over and added a 3rd altis server and now its not much of a competition between here and Asylum. And even though poseidon was good having an active server owner with mcdili also helps a butt ton.
  8. Dear god if this is a typed rap battle...
  9. Are there like custom titles or some shit?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      I seen some really weird titles like peter long and some other weird ones idk

      I might just not have them idk 

    3. BENJI


      Sir Peter Long is a title, there isn't any custom titles

    4. MAV


      Gotta eat 500 donuts to rock the sir peterlong tag!

  10. o7 to an og vx rat who helped me get corp @Jordan540 gonna miss ya bud <3

  11. Was just about to say this it all depends what you're looking for you wanna chill you go with indica, you wanna have a good time go with sativas or a hybrid.
  12. Fuck man I shoudlve put in those 4 hours a week smh

  13. Ok heres a question why the fuck is there not a garage at the prison? Like why I gotta walk 700m to the nearest garage after I get out?

    1. Orgondo


      458m if you go to Taxi 

    2. ItsGG


      thats not helping lmao 

    3. Pledge


      Part of the punishment :Kappa:

  14. eta on Maldennn

    1. LiL J

      LiL J

      very soon :bender-dance:

    2. monster
    3. ItsGG


      please let me be a trusted member lmao

  15. Dude if you ever hear anyone EVER say "execute order 66" you best believe your ass is dead as fuck.
  16. Everyone’s been sleeping on Croatia smh

    1. thor


      France will stamp on Croatia 

    2. LiL J

      LiL J

      anddddddddd they lost @thorr

  17. Soccer is not coming home. Sorry England:D

  18. What ever happened to that draft gang wars idea @Arigato thought of?

  19. Can we add an atm feature to sheds? Like an upgradeable option to add an atm to ur shed?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ItsGG


      would that affect cartel money?

    3. PoptartRex


      Don’t see why it would unless the way cartel money is distributed changes. Even then, don’t know if I want that done since I really wanna keep most cartel fighting a civilian area thing since cops cant make money off it anyways.

    4. ItsGG


      yea I think most civs would prefer to keep the cartel money the same 

  20. Happy birthday to a special over weight child I have known since day 1 @Hurricane <3

  21. aight bet im boutta be chief
  22. July 1st was 3 days ago we celebrating late orrr.....?

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      oh no please tell me this is a meme

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