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Everything posted by L3SL13

  1. Congrats to this cry baby little bitch @ Ron  Probably the most deserved corporal spot ever earned<3 Cant wait to see you at the feds bbg 🤪

  2. wet asf right now

    1. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Fo' that bucket o' chicken

  3. So do people still fight cartels?

    1. Viper


      How fast does the explorer go 

    2. Horizon


      no everybody is too afraid to fight that 88 gang because  they never  die

  4. Congrats @Headless On CORP and cOntRIbUtOr:bender-dance:

  5. pussy gang shit :bender-dance:

  6. lol whos here

    1. Elements
    2. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      What's up chicken nugget!?

  7. So ughh Dayz is making a come back its in beta and is pretty fun. What do you guys think about an olympus dayz server I will pay for it obviously. I just want a place for us to play with people that we actually know? Let me know plz

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Zombie engagement?

    2. monster


      Hands up or ill eat your brain

    3. Darren Nsonowa
  8. Ik that but where talking about him cheating
  9. @Tiger even though he hates me he doesn't cheat, guys been playing super long like 5+ years he's just good
  10. Olympus is officially gone rip 

  11. PlzzPlz
  12. what are we saying congrats to @Decimus again?

  13. Welcome to the club king o7 bud love you long time
  14. Tenacity get approval from Gareth
  15. 7886dc0f718adfb42257722f42494f9c.png

    1. -dante-


      Shit you right.. they did give you CPL :P

    2. L3SL13


      Feed your kids please Thanks

    3. -dante-


      Well. I have one kid. And she healthy as fuck. Thanks for the original jokes tho ;D

  16. What type of Computer desks do you guys have??

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Slumberjack


      Huge ass long ass wooden desk that spans a whole wall in my room so I can get all my stuff in a beautiful spacious manner with no clutter!

    3. obeymatt


      55 minutes ago, DeadPoll said:



      Keep in mind deadpool is a virgin 

  17. Congrats you fucking Turd @Fushigi

  18. grew up knowing this guy check him out 

  19. Oh so I got Ark. but it just looks cheesy idk why


    Graphics card: 1070

    16 gb ram

    plz help

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. iPopsicle


      4 hours ago, rapidaax said:

      return it while u still can

      Real shit return it

    3. Apathy


      Its fun if you have people to play with 

  20. Nice playing with ya. Good friend. Sorry that IT had to ruin your fun stay safe lil nibba.
  21. Would've congratulated earlier but been asleep since I got home from school till now. Gratz hurridick @Hurricane

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