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Everything posted by L3SL13

  1. Here we go hopefully gang life will be back welcome back all of u dirty dupers @Phizx @Trimorphious :bigcheefface:

  2. @Ignis it was a joke can u unbann me now

    1. Grenade65


      @Ignis Same it was a joke can you unban me to.

    2. iPopsicle


      2 minutes ago, Grenade65 said:

      @Ignis Same it was a joke can you unban me to.

      Y i k e s

    3. Grenade65


      @Ignis Just unban me already I am sorry you ni....

  3. worst mass shooting in US history . Stay safe people

  4. Since u guys met the September goal put up October so people don't keep donating to completed goal...

    1. Lemon


      They need an overflow like once goal is met it will start next months

    2. Dangus


      That's not the point of donation goals. The point is that you pay for the servers/teamspeak/website for the next month. This means that you should not be donating far in advance. This system and how they set up the donation goal has worked for a long time, no point fixing something that isn't broken.

    3. L3SL13
  5. That actually would be really fun if u modded s3 like asylum did but less be kicks

  6. Olympus has came to giving people civ rep that only want one thing fights  come on Olympus u can do better

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      i agree with leslie why is there so much focus on only cartels??? when you have like 80% of people who dont give a singe fuck about cartels  they just wanna have fun,i ain't bitching right now just saying the truth i suppose...

    3. HyperGoat


      @De Fuk @L3SL13 id like to point out that moob and others, only did changes to that 80% of people not the other 20% that fights cartels etc.. 

      Example, Moob brought changes to the blackmarket but nothing to the rebels/cartels.

      So if you guys are talking about equality, alot has been already done for the people who don't fight.

    4. Ludde


      Shut the fuck up you dont even play anymore so why would you care, go back to jerking off in a corner while looking like the black girl from Ghostbusters


  7. o7 u Irish fuck
  8. Congrats to goth an Fushigi. @Fushigi @Decimus

    1. Tiger


      19 cops and you catch 4 people... grats I guess

    2. Temple


      i got spit on me just from reading this

    3. Rusty


      bunch of shit players congrats

  9. selling dp 22 4 3 craters on s3 message me offers (;::

  10. well can we unlock s3 now?

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      It'll be unlocked after restart.  Player count will also be adjusted up to 111.

  11. Arx will destroy the worrrrrld

  12. Congrats Plumber on LT!! @Plumber

    1. Plumber


      Thank ya! I appreciate it

  13. Congrats to the Hommie Kyle on getting promoted to Corporal. Remember Kyle this is only a "Stepping stone". Good job man well deserved. @Kyle Lee

  14. fuck off my thread retard if your not helping
  15. Still looking
  16. Just looking for houses so I can do some runs. Put your house an t he price you want. We can negotiate if not good price
  17. Dp 23 2 crater 3.5 mill
  18. 3 mill
  19. L3SL13

    ban wave

    Their were no hackers it was duping reeeee
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