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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. shit what happen to nearly 10k people 97c69a6ab81578f621079f3b75d5c773.png

    1. L3SL13


      servers are litterly still full 24/7 dont need another "olympus is dying" bc its not just bc there isnt fights means its not dead.

    2. PoptartRex


      It was a coding change 60 days ago 

    3. Tb:)


      @L3SL13 WASNT saying that man i was just asking

  2. you sell it and get 750k after too? lol
  3. 1mil
  4. you're retarded
  5. 10k each for all of them
  6. i have 74k for 1000 hours on olympus
  7. 8cee9d3e38dabbf9a7afedd139271c2e.png
    i wanna creme

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tb:)


      7 minutes ago, bigSMOKE said:

      yeah you're a year and a half too late to the game, it means nothing now lol

      YEAH i know :( i was decent back in the day aswell but school got in the way of me doing anything, ive been to a few lans which were fun but 

    3. Snare


      Idk games still growing. Faceit is bad players though people are just moving over there now that are good.

    4. Tb:)


      1 hour ago, Snare said:

      Idk games still growing. Faceit is bad players though people are just moving over there now that are good.

      yeah their all trash just trying to get in fpl rn from this mythic league

  8. V-44X Blackfish price lowered by around 90%

    • Vehicle Transport: $6,300,000 to $750,000
    • Infantry Transport: $6,700,000 to $800,000
  10. @Fushigi happy 19th go and have fun. Better be pullin mad ghost hawks

  11. fd8a221f0eaa108ced0cf3cde83673b8.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Jesus, please turn on FSAA. It's ArmA so chances are you're CPU-limited anyways and it won't effect performance.

    3. FlapJack


      y ya head dark as hell and your arms pastey as fuck

    4. Tb:)


      @codeyeti sorry i dont make 6 figures a year

  12. you right
  13. @Bubbaloo Burrito i love you man happy birthday

  14. Selling RPG with 5 Rockets Abdera 4 crater both of which im open to offers, Please post or msg me and lets make a deal
  15. Tb:)

    WTB any meth house

    s2 4 crater abdera
  16. Taking offers.
  17. I need an honest opinion for a cop tage? whats a good song?  I was thinking ice cube, but maybe something more up beat? help please and thanks


    1. Unjo


      If you want ice cube here you go 


    2. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      Good, but not better than the original:


  18. 6B0F1B0BFD5581ABD334E8491F5B89F9C3453010


    1. Tb:)


      5 minutes ago, Panera said:

      i remember when I took my first APD member hostage as well

      Thats me on teh left :( 

  19. i want a mar10
  20. @Mako congrats on the new egirl man

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