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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. Just be patient someone will help you when they’re available.
  2. no
  3. free my nigga @Silton he dindu nuffin
  4. Eh who cares their name was pretty gay anyways
  5. I've never seen something as cringe as that video yikes
  6. o7 @Fushigi you did great work buddy, sad to see you go

  7. Happy birthday you mudafucka youuu @Fat Clemenza

  8. Arigato

    The End

    o7 bud
  9. A New Hope
  10. What do you mean anymore? They never were
  11. I kill @Kyle Lake on sight regardless, let’s bully someone else while we have the chance
  12. Congratz @Pinkstreak !!! do you like cotton balls?  :P

    Ayyyyyyye the boy [KP] @Prime !!!! :wub:

    1. Pinkstreak


      I do like cotton balls :P <3 Thanks lovely!

  13. That 2500k is old but still a beast. Might notice a little bottle necking but otherwise you should be able to play all games on average on medium
  14. Worst medic ever @Rossco :Kappa: congrats buddy 

    1. Rossco


      Kappa Kappa ....  thank you!


      Also, I like the skid row :)

  15. Ima need youtube to come back real quick, I need some Joe Rogan podcast with my nightly dose of nicotine :angry:

    1. Genghis Khan
    2. Hectic


      I was watching Joe Rogan highlights as it crashed.....

    3. Arigato


      @Genghis Khan nah cancer stick gang

  16. whoever voted no is a baby back bitch
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