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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. Is it just me or has betting ruined the economy? 

    1. Millennium


      yes. yes it has

  2. Get more ppl to fight plz. thx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Truthy


      what gang are you in?

    3. evannnn


      static doesnt even touch cap


    4. Zakaloko


      @evannnn if u touch cap you will Meet The Family 

  3. Can someone please tell me what size the profile banner is

  4. Can't attempt a fed if you get camped lol

    1. Mutiny


      watch out for bank defender and lighthouse shooter

    2. Tacosmell


      I'm joining the adventures w you guys anyways 

  5. A year ago me and @gaz drained ourselves w 30 hr weeks on cop. To all you guys putting 60+ idk how you do it but gj 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Linka


      @Ryan i would get off playing with last, and he'll be there when i got on LOL

    3. last
    4. Linka
  6. Hyped for sure
  7. Hope all you guys being safe out there. One love ❤️

    1. Millennium


      How the fuck u still got medic tags lmao

  8. @Jester The homie. You are a dope dude, and have a lot going for you. Going to miss venting to you ab IRL stuff lmao thanks for being there.
  9. i'm backkkkkkk

    1. maxg





      jk <3

    2. Evann


      just in time for your birthday

    3. Ryan
  10. The discord isn’t used as much as the teamspeak considering everyone is on teamspeak. You’ll have much better luck using teamspeak for help.
  11. It's crazy how nice it is NOT to play Olympus everyday lmaooo 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. codeYeTi


      It’s funny how I miss the people and working with em but damn I don’t miss wasting my life (and making WAAAAY more money for quitting is nice too).

      Its scary how much this shit starts to matter when you make it your life.

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      you nerds need to spend more time ingame

  12. @Fuzz^ later homie. Had some good times, the freestyles were a ton of fun. HMU on snap if you need anything dog. Another real one going down today, o7
  13. I guess it wasn't a surprise congrats buddy. @Brolaf maybe next time i'll not kill myself when we are last in fortnite 

    1. Brolaf


      lol Thanks bro

  14. A little late but congrats to the boy @Super_Nova and @Winters

  15. +1 to everybody that wished me happy birthday. Olympus is dope. Big facts. No printer. 

  16. Shout out to all who has wished me a happy birthday. Appreciate you guys :D

  17. I love you guys man Olympus is the shit you guys are awesome. +1 

    1. Jester


      Are you drunk

    2. Tacosmell


      Yessir love you Olympus 

    3. maxg


      24 minutes ago, tacosmell said:

      Yessir love you Olympus 

      plz dont touch the senior sheets while ur drunk lmao

  18. I need assistance on deciding on a new baseball glove if someone actually knows a lot about baseball join ts and help me decide thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. maxg


      Infield I would go for a Wilson glove, but i have 3 Rawlings catcher mitts and they are fire 

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke


      Them and Rawlings is all I used. I played 1st/Pitcher

    4. Tacosmell


      Those are prehistoric luke 

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