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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Julian

  1. To all inompetent gossip girls who said I quit the community.

    You are incorrect.Good day.

  2. Who gave @Last what he deserved?:Kappa:

  3. Who leads the Support Team?Someone really needs to talk to the guy
  4. Cause AMERICA!
  5. Make it to 250 likes and he gets the tatto on both nipples.
  6. Pedofile,think we found raptor boys.
  7. Happy birthday to the most gorgeous babe I've ever met. @lou25000:wub:



    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      JULIAN WOOT WOOT thanks fam you a real one

  8. I really like you brother and you are really fun. But I'll see you in a month or two.
  9. Julian


    Get a life
  10. Minus well give Chief cause EZ PZ. JK We're both bad at the game.
  11. Julian


  12. I'm waiting for the Moneygram transaction id.

    ;) @thor. @Hurricane 

    Congratz boyz.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Savage


      Haven't had one of those in ages lol

    3. Julian


      @Savage Probably cause you haven't completely hit puberty yet. XD

    4. Savage


      @Julian I used to have em I don't anymore lol maybe my day will come soon 

  14. BOYS! You don't realize how much you suck at social interactions until your shoved into one of them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka
    3. ItsGG



      33 minutes ago, Dαnte said:

      You’re gay 


  15. Congrats to a very smart gentleman on becoming a developer. @codeyeti

  16. I thought a roBOT didn't have a birthday.:Kappa:@snipeZ

    1. snipeZ


      My birthday is tomorrow dude xD and i don't think you can call people bots with your aim :P

    2. buckie


      too bad no one cares about ur birthday snipez u faggot

  17. Not again
  18. Can someone make something for the man @DashTonic.He the MVP right now.

  19. Julian

    my goodbye

    Indeed old friend.
  20. Julian

    my goodbye

    I'm just gonna say it.Why you resign after playing for so long and getting Corporal.Then,less than a week later you back in the APD.
  21. How much for the whitelist?
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