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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. You’re not wrong, we working on fixes. The 100% cop payouts on WZ and reduction in discounts on medic should do a bit but isn’t the complete resolution as of yet
  2. Our economy is extremely inflated for me to make it more. However, I saw the complaints from the last one regarding the prize pool, so that is why I added the 150 WP per player this way it doesn’t add into the whole money factor but does compensate for the ability to buy more load outs.
  3. #Blame@Mako

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mako


      if there were objects beneath the map wasnt me server got taxed out on the variable names for npcs wasn't something that was thought to be a problem hence the amount of time and testing to concur it was the issue

    3. Creepy


      14 minutes ago, Mako said:

      if there were objects beneath the map wasnt me server got taxed out on the variable names for npcs wasn't something that was thought to be a problem hence the amount of time and testing to concur it was the issue


    4. Strae
  4. smh I credited you more then once for it in the past I just forgot the @this time. Fixed
  5. Alright well here's the infamous post ladies. I know you guys hate reading long ass posts, so I split some of these into different posts based on the information you may be looking for. Posts can be found here: Gang Wars Post - Cartel Events Post - Staff/Current situation with Olympus - Read Below I think its safe to say that September for Olympus this year was one for the books... Between the massive staff retirement, a massive case with Bohemia and our servers getting attacked beyond the usual shit posting we have had a wild ass ride this month. I've been pretty silent with a lot of things recently and this post is to finally clear the air of any major questions that have gone unanswered... so here we go! Bohemia Case/Monetization Alright, so here's the big one everyone has been wondering... What happened? Basically, as you can imagine there was a recent promotion made that a lot of people disagreed with. A lot of people having big voices in the community such as the retired staff that recently stepped down. A comment was made to them making an accusation on two staff members who in their eyes "sold money". This made a whole lot of people upset, and took the situation to extremes it should have never reached, dont think I need to explain it considering the entire community was witnessing what was happening at that time. The Senior Administration, and Senior Development has done a VERY thorough investigation on the case, and have concluded that the accusations were false. Now we expected a report to Bohemia, so we took an approach and messaged them once the situation came to light this way we can establish a better communication with them. It opened a VERY large investigation with Bohemia, where for about 2 weeks we have been going back and forth regarding the situation. I myself decided to take down the dono goal during this time while we had an ongoing investigation, as I wanted to do this the right way not the dramatic way. Collecting money when our monetization is in question was definitely not the right way in my opinion. As of last Thursday, Bohemia and Olympus came to our final conclusion and the question of selling money was false. Our Monetization is still standing, and Olympus has resolved all internal issues that were in question. I want to ENSURE that everyone is aware of our policy, so we have it at the top of our navigation bar, otherwise you can find it here: https://olympus-entertainment.com/olympus-policy/ If any player is found breaking this policy, submit a player report so that we can deal with the situation immediately, as we do not tolerate anyone that breaks it. Concerns within staff Well over the last month everyone has looked at staff as a friend group... and I can see that in most ways. However, I think any @Retired Staff member can attest to this when I say wether you were friends before or after you got staff, you are part of a friend group. When a group of people are constantly working together on a day to day basis, you eventually become friends. Yes there are a lot of disagreements between eachother, yes a lot of people get into fights, but at the end of the day we all become friends one way or another. So, technically yes staff is a friend group, but realistically we try not to make it a "bias" staff team. Staff from now on will be portrayed as a position someone earned, not a popularity contest. I dont want to deny someone just cause we dont like them, I want good reasons and vise versa for when we accept someone. People that are in good standing with the community, show they care, put in the effort and are actively around within the community and show they have a head on their shoulders regarding the rules. Additionally expect some changes within staff in the next few weeks, already made some in these last few days and are only gonna continue working on it. Already got a hard working team with @Zahzi @Civak and @Pledge constantly working their ass off to fix and update everything (current issues aside). Now I know I aint no @Peter Long or @McDili, those two were great owners no doubt, but I do ask for a chance. People were quick to jump the gun once they heard one perspective of the situation which was kind of a bruh moment for me honestly. Been really transparent with this community and have shown nothing but care for it, so to hop on the fuck Ryan bandwagon so fast was . I wont deny I got a bit carried away the first few weeks when I got owner with the stuff I did in game, but that "hype" era is over. There will obviously be a troll here and there but it shouldn't be something you guys see religiously anymore. Im gonna end this what already is a long ass post with a thank you to the people that continued to support Olympus even during this whole mess. It feels good knowing there will always be some people we can impact. All support is appreciated, and if there are still any unanswered questions PM me on the forums or HMU on discord. Ill try to respond to as many people as I can, but sometimes a message gets missed so if I dont respond after a while hit me up again. Thanks!
  6. So this last month ive been getting feedback from people and looking into ways to implement more things/incentives to fight on cap. I have mentioned this in the past, but a few months ago, we approved a new event type of cap within warzone to be developed. The event would be a Domination-like event where you get money based on contesting and winning the event. (credit to @Jimmy Jarvis) This not only is something new to fight, but also gives incentives for gangs to actually earn back the money they lost during that fight. @Civak has already started on the development of said event. Additionally, I would like to continue running events such like the one @zoomzooooooom and @rapidaax ran when we couldn't host our gang wars. Where we tossed a bunch of shit in warzone like qilins, loadouts, warpoints, money, etc and let the gangs have at it, essentially a mini gang wars. Now that S3 is a weekend only server, we might take advantage of it and use it for other things during the week. Regardless, we will figure it out We want to start another fed season... yes the economy is semi fucked but the people that usually spend that money (caratel fighters) arent part of the majority top 50 richest. We are figuring out ways to make the federal events worth doing, while keeping a balance in our economy and factions. Once its figured out we will be notifying everyone of it Finally, a few community members and the civ council (credit to @Noahhh!) have been discussing a new radioactive type fallout event. Final details are to be fleshed out, but if you want to see the thought process you can view it on here As for the APD raids in warzone... Some changes will be made, both development wise and rule wise. Handbook update to be made soon, but expect the following: Probable cause required for APD to enter Warzone 5 Waves per raid 100% of loadout price Civs get warpoints per the gear used by the APD Member Civs get killstreaks off kills PO+ only and lethals only (EXCEPTION: Following someone in first wave) The paying for loadouts is a start. Yes the first day back was somewhat aids to most of you, but we are testing things out. If we feel it needs to either be bumped to being more expensive and/or reduced we will let you guys know. As of now, we are collecting stats on the warzone raids and how much is made/lost and we will go from there. Any normal feedback is appreciated, seeing things such as "fuck the apd get them off warzone" as opposed to the "we dont mind APD raiding, just make them pay more" has a huge difference on how we take said feedback. Don't forget, majority of ideas are brought to us by your civ council, so get in touch with them if you want to make any suggestions or changes or PM me on the forums/discord.
  7. Well the first Gang Wars attempt was a bust... This time we will get the mission file on the server and then announce a date. However, we will be restarting the roster process/brackets so you guys got a second chance on setting up the team you want. You can submit your rosters here. As for the Gang Wars post/details, im going to be reposting it in here in case you missed the details with some slight modifications. RULES: Individuals who have been banned in the past for lag-switching, combat exploiting, or scripts will be disqualified instantly. You may not be currently banned on Olympus Servers if attempting to participate. If you try to evade, your account will be permanently banned, and your teammates disqualified. You must have a reasonable amount of playtime on our servers 2 weeks prior to the gang wars date. Rosters must have a minimum of 8 players, with a maximum of 12. Subs lists are restricted to 3 players. If you do not include correct player IDs, your gang will be disqualified. At any point during Gang Wars if I feel that a player is out of bounds, exploiting, cheating, or in some way not fulfilling the equal fighting game play intended for Gang Wars, they will be killed, disqualified, and their gang disqualified. This is at my discretion. Any player found impeding the process of Gang Wars in anyway will be subject to administrative action on Olympus Servers. This is at my discretion. Don’t bring on players who are ineligible, banned, or who do not meet the rules stated above. INFORMATION: When applying, make sure that your player list is complete WITH SUBS AND THEIR PLAYER IDS. Players with less than 200 hours on Olympus entertainment servers WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. This Gang Wars will be our 14th, so we are going BIG on the Winners! 1st place will receive GW Winner tags in TeamSpeak and on the forums, Gang Uniform in game, Gang Title of your choice, $35 million in game gang funds, 150 Warpoints per player that took part in game and a billboard in Kavala with a roster list and gang picture taken. 2nd place will receive $15 million in game gang funds, 100 Warpoints per player that took part in game and a nice pat on the back 3rd place will receive $10 million in game gang funds and 50 Warpoints per player that took part in game Stay tuned on the forums for more information!
  8. We're aware of the server lag issues, working on a fix for it rn. As of now our only temporary fix is restarting servers when it happens.

    1. swrvy


      its probably the new bank making the lag

    2. Creepy


      Restart Server 2 please

  9. You are aware medics were not getting one, but double discounts with a title and rank they had. Medics still get discounts based off their title, all we removed was the additional static one that was sitting there for each rank.
  10. It still exists it’s just off atm. I was making it a CQC server but a lot came up and it just got lost in the wind
  11. Arigato is just someone that popped in mind once I saw what you said lol, again not bashing the man but we both know when he was drunk domo he can be a ruthless man you dont want to be clapped by Saw it maybe twice as a moderator, and even had me ask if some of the stuff he said was even allowed on our forums lmao Yeah I know how a lot of people perceive staff at the moment as "trash". We dont have some fan favorites as of now, but once everything gets cleared up I got some faith these guys will show everyone whats up Also yeah I noticed you werent directly @'ing me, and the criticism is always appreciated because otherwise a problem isnt shown until its brought up. I've been waiting to fix/get through everything internally and behind the scenes before I release any info on whats been going on, because once I do make a post I try to be as transparent as possible. Didn't want to post anything without being sure things were in place and being worked on, because otherwise all I would be doing is giving people false promises. I will hopefully clear a lot up on my post after the staff meeting on Sunday. 1. I understand what you are saying, I used to work as customer support as one of my IRL jobs so I do see the point your making. I don't disagree that we should be better then the "customers" and grow a spine to just take a few hits (hell I sure took a lot this month) but I don't agree that we deserve to be treated like trash on the street, especially with the amount we do behind the scenes for people. Obviously I dont need to go into detail on that, you know how it is. I do believe people should have the right to defend themselves, just to a certain extent. 2. More like a never ending series of dramatic films with a new episode every week lol I swear these forums entertain/piss me off more then anything I have ever watched or took part in 3. All in all, I saw the issues at hand, and have been working on them for a while. I am someone that owns up to my own mistakes, and have openly admitted and apologized to people regarding a lot of those mistakes. Other then a few downvotes on posts completely bashing and shit talking certain people, I believe so far after I spoke to the staff they have started to handle this whole ordeal much better then they did before. That tower lag really be like that
  12. Bruh I have seen MUCH worse from retired staff. When I first got mod I didnt think toxicity was tolerated at all till I saw Arigato get drunk one night and absolutely flame some kid a couple times on the forums, in which everyone in staff chats hyped him up for. Not bashing the man, but he was quite literally one of the people that set the standard for toxicity for me as a staff member during my time as mod. Regardless, I already spoke to the staff about toxicity and the "do's and dont's" about a week ago. After that I didnt see any staff at the moment going out of their way to make toxic comments or remarks towards players on the forums or teamspeak, all im seeing is a couple of downvotes here and there on posts they dont like, unless I missed something. I haven't publicly made any comments about it though, so I can see your point. ^^ The way I responded to that could of been MUCH better, I was speaking out of spite and anger at the time there. Realistically I dont see Olympus as a product... I dont make money off Olympus nor do I want to. When it comes to cases with money involved I tend to prioritize the "customer support", but a ban appeal for someone who has been waiting for a couple of hours for example when they clearly broke NLR isnt something im going to yell at staff to prioritize as opposed to the other things they got going on. Defensive and bossy, well if someone sits there and calls you a dog shit staff member and basically treats you like a shitty human being over a case that you got yourself into, would you not be upset in the ticket? Cause that comment is in reference to the outcast and rashad situation and im pretty sure we can all agree the way he treated outcast in the ticket was unwarranted.
  13. Ya'll just wait till Sunday, ima clear up a lot of shit and bring some changes. Ive been pretty silent these last few weeks, but only cause I want to make sure we got everything set in stone, and outlined for you guys to see. Changes coming are some people I think would want to see. Ive been listening to most of you, and have even talked to some of you privately regarding those changes. Been pretty transparent everytime I made a post, this wont be any different 😛 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. codeYeTi


      @Ryan Just so we're clear, I'm pretty tilted he went and posted this shit while I was trying to just lay low and build trust. I didn't endorse this.

      Not sure why people think posting inflammatory shit in your name on the forums is going to do that person any good.

      @Millennium sorry dude, but I've been kinda tryna keep a low profile and wait out all the stuff that's been going down, and this kinda fucked me. As much as I wish they would have gotten along with it a while back, that's the game, and I was playing it, at least up until now.

    3. Ryan


      @codeYeTi Im a firm believer of "your friends shouldnt have an impact on how we look at you". What he said doesnt effect you in any way shape or form. This didnt "fuck you", keeping a low profile as opposed to posting every day #YetiForDev is the better choice in a case like that.

    4. codeYeTi



      Times I posted that:

      • September 7
      • September 24 (2.5 weeks)

      From that through the end of my profile page, that's when I posted it. There was prolly like one more or something in a forum post I remember putting in but couldn't find.

      Did it because I wanted to remind y'all that I was still interested, which is why it didn't come with some random rant (like @Millennium's above) or anything, it was just seeing if you were still thinkin'. I now understand that it would have been acceptable to toss in an application, which is unfortunate, since that would have been much easier from my side as well 😂.

      FWIW, I honestly think it was largely a miscommunication, and I'm still interested, and would like to reiterate that my sentiment is not shared with the above comment.

      EDIT: 2.4 weeks. I can't math apparently

  14. Eta on mod drippp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bastro


      +1 after u talk to ved give a mf some time good lookin

    3. Ryan


      @vedalkenn I’m at work atm lol

    4. vedalkenn


      Well it was worth a shot, if you're around after your done with your job I'd love if I could get a chance to speak with you. If not that's alright 🙂

  15. 01010011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01100100 01101011 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 00100000 01101001 01110011
  16. o7 Buddy, sad to see an old OG I used to talk shit with in steam chat go. Dont be a stranger, hmu whenever ?
  17. Until the warzone payout bug is fixed, the sAPD will no longer be allowed to raid warzone. This isn’t permanent, but is a temporary solution to the problems civs have been facing. Exception: - If pursuing someone into warzone they can follow, but can’t return for more waves
  18. battleye didnt get yoinked its still there lol
  19. Servers are back up

  20. Ryan

    Civ Ideas

    I HAVE witnesses, ask uh @destruct
  21. Ryan

    Civ Ideas

    HEY I forgot to add it 2 meetings ago lol
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