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Everything posted by Mako

  1. 27767b4eb8d0138c04671cef6f3cc4c3.png

    hello can i be unbanned from pyrgos hq @TheCmdrRex

    1. PoptartRex


      No sir you have been a bad cop quit dying

    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      When did rex join plague

  2. got one!!!

    got two!!! 

    pop off battle eye pop off!!

  3. wow @Luke Duke congratulations keep it up!!

  4. hAhA not combat storing btw because no combat sick server


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      My question is did you even end up submitting a player report on him or not. If the staffs reaction to this was no obvious situation then perhaps we do need an iq test. If not then I don’t see the use of complaining when it’s on you to make the report

    3. MBPslyr



      @Fat Clemenza lmk if you want to buy some mar 10's m8

    4. Zahzi
  5. The way it was worded definitely made it sound like things made by invdividuals like myself Strugglebus Airman or Muthinator were being sold off without permission. Things made specifically for the server and not for redistribution across another platform. Doesn't matter if you would classify it as unimportant compared to the database after all the R&R isn't important compared to the APD but it still plays a role in the server.
  6. wow @TheCmdrRex congatulations! btw can i have developer!!?

  7. Designers aren't staff, they're subhumans.
  8. 3d0e3caf81985b967948074d6e5a3ccb.png


    1. CocoisDead


      You are going to lose civ :(

    2. Strae


      Don't "Cry" this time

  9. this means @Badger didnt break any rules @Pledge

    1. Strae


      that's deadass the first thing i said

    2. destruct
  10. imagine deleting a status update because you whiff more then the person you called out lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elements


      that was not me, someone was under my name

    3. GregoV1
    4. Civak


      imagine deleting a boat

  11. my favorite taliban killer @buckie and my favorite taliban member @ikiled happy birthday autism incarnate and chocolate princess

    1. buckie


      thanks man u know it

  12. happy birthday 2/3 pocket admins named Ryan @Ryan @TheCmdrRex :wub:

  13. GOAT literally got banned for RDMing in a redzone as a cop prior to this which stuck only due to staff being faggots regarding the situation @iPopsicle, if you don't believe that people are going to abuse their position to keep controversial players banned and use it to demote them you're delusional. This shits honestly a joke.
  14. wow man cant wait to get banned on cop for a disciplinary by a medic for breaking a cop rule or some shit sick @an overweight giant retard @Fat Clemenza
  15. Mako

    o7 my dudes

    good choice for a designer glad you came back around for it nice lad too
  16. Just so we're aware it was agreed upon HALF A YEAR ago. This was when civ council was first founded and when I was told it'd been passed I literally ignored it because Blackwater was balanced in terms of risk and reward. Seems to me like there are still issues regarding representation of the APD with there having been a chief change. In my opinion as someone having been a part of recent federal events there has never been a time of greater imbalance and this handbook update won't fix that. For final note it was going to be intentionally ignored until I was forced to add in a solution, personally I don't think Dante or Peter were expecting 3 towers literally a 75% increase from the vanilla amount. I don't believe they would have approved of what you've done the same as @Pledge and @an overweight giant retard.
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