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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. Comp is a way of pleasing the person who got fucked over. Instead of them reporting the one who broke a rule instead the rule breaker compensates you thus you save time, get back anything you lost, and don’t have to go to the hassle of reporting someone or even wait a couple of days
  2. I don’t see the problem with just making the nametag appear instantly instead of waiting as thats how it is when you see someone without using range finders
  3. kev

    WTB hunters

    Give me a bomb, some bolts cutters and a wild @ChrisGG at the federal reserve. We will have FREE APD hunters at the tips of our fingers bring some lock picks
  4. What do you guys mean by titles?

    @Jesse @McDili

    1. ItsGG


      lol can only imagine the apd title lol

      Aunt Jemima

      Career cop


      like this idea tho 

      was there a post on this or something? if so could i get a link?

    2. ItsGG
  5. nope sold it to unjo who is selling it talk to him
  6. sold
  7. @Hurricane 1 more bot lethal :wub:

  8. @kev good work out there man

  9. e_Kermit_08302017.jpg.e2292569bdad9eb022a685746c736a6e.jpgimage.png.173fd9971e806dcbd88fa4585fb08aa1.pngyo someone make his face one of those emotes we can use on the forums @Grandma Gary 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kev


      when your just trynna express that krispy feeling

    3. N7Zero


      who is that?


    4. KrispyK



      Gary made me do it

  10. 5 feds 1 BW all successful 1 day

    new record?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You guys should’ve been around for “fed day”. God rest cloak’s soul. 

  11. Why don’t we have another election lasting a couple more days with the top 5 candidates so it can represent the civilian faction in a more precise manner.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. KrispyK


      funny how he hasnt got a forum ban yet

    3. Homicide


      IDK what the big fuss is about yea i dont feel @Google is the right Rep for Civz beacuse yea he has hours that qualify to run but imo he dosent have the hours on the server let alone on civ to have the respect from the community and know what we need but at the end of the day we know hes winning it and theres nothing we can do about it im happy to come in 4th which was more than the last time so i will sit back take my defeat like a man and not be toxic about it. Which mean if i run again maybe next time i can win Thanks to the people who voted for me and will continue to vote for me until tommorow and hopefully next time i win remeber this for the next election i have 5k hours on Arma with them all on Olympus with almost 4k on civ Vote Homicide Civ Rep August Election I know what u need

    4. KrispyK


      im not trans hello

  12. You can ram others as long as it doesnt end in them blowing up or dying. For the part where you get spangled they are suppose to let you get back into cover or let you shoot first before they can shoot you. Also when engaging you have to give 5 seconds to comply and you can’t exploit out of cars in restraints like you did towards the end. Hope this helps
  13. if you can actually fly a blackfish msg me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      Will lend my services to you at 500k per fed

    3. Apathy


      what happened to sam? @kev

    4. kev


      idk but @Bloodmoon is the boy 

  14. http://prntscr.com/jbg39u

    @Google Can't fucking revive gang life if you aren't even in a fucking gang

    1. Chickenlittle
    2. Google


      Prefer not to die in Kavala when defending myself against your slander

  15. kev

    WTB Ghost Hawk

    If you are actually down to buy one we will grind BWs, you are definitely going first tho Sold last one to @rapidaax idk if he still has it
  16. @Viper look what you have caused smh
  17. Why are people voting for google https://gyazo.com/6aa8de461b406ca64bb6210c83c39d47


    This man has 500 hours on Olympus and it seems he has more commitment to medic than civ

    I am not saying I hate medics but I don't think he is ready for the position.

    Also don't waste votes on the boy Genghis since hes banned.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DeadPool


      not when all their play time in the past week is all medic. and have 500 hours on the server. When they the ideas they through up are memes that they try to make legit. Plus trying to turn Olympus into asylum 

    3. Reckless


      I didn't vote for him because his ideas were retarded, but I still don't think that being medic or cop makes you unqualified to be civ rep

    4. kev


      I am gonna quote myself again "I am not saying I hate medics but I don't think he is ready for the position." all I meant to say was that was one of the countless reasons as to why I personally don't see him as ready for civ rep but again man that's my 2 cents on it if you don't agree with it that's fine.

  18. kev

    my goodbye

    o7 later bud
  19. msg me if you have a telos house up for sale, preferably 3-4 craters on server 2
  20. finally @Ryan I knew you'd make it eventually

  21. Illegal is not enjoyable due to the small payout and high risk unless you have a house or gangshed to use. People do more legal than illegal IMO because they don’t want to lose their trucks.
  22. So we can sit outside waiting for training to end
  23. kev

    [WTB] Cop Tasers

    I have many corporal guns like MXM and SPAR16-S pm me with some offers if you are interested Yes, they have mags.
  24. kev


    hell no and if you catch em doin it call them out
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