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Everything posted by Savage

  1. @Nexhy2.0 Happy Bday from Me and @Proud

  2. @Lucki Happy Birthday from me and @Proud

  3. Rematch soon... ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pablo


      damn so now I god mode aswell, Ur just ass face it little one 

    3. Savage


      how u gonna call me ass if u have to fucking cheat on a game to win

    4. maiko


      ahhahahah bunk bed bandits

  4. @codeYeTi better be tryin to bring back cartel life :wub:

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Career cops have no place at cartels.  Like my man @zoomzooooooom

    2. zoomzooooooom
    3. Savage


      @zoomzooooooom if only i had that pic me and @Ron made of u on the bottom of the map :lol:

  5. GF to Prime, although i didnt leave "clipless" audio is fucked




    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jeb


      bogroll ur a skinny nigga lookin jax main ass shut up retard

    3. Linka


      yes savage, I’m very proud. You’re growing up, just how I raised you 

      But again, it’s a video game. Not that deep.

  6. Update? whats that?

  7. This is just an idea, i feel like you should make an FTO type rank for PO's. You can name if whatever you want but you basically hand it out to PO's you know you can trust. This rank would give you more things, like the Road Kits for an example, or whatever you feel it deserves. This is also a good idea because when you hit corporal, thats when things start to get serious, so whenever you are looking for a new one instead of having to go through the 100 or so names there are as PO, you can just go through the ones you have under this special rank, so you would know these are the people you cant trust the most. Just an idea, feed back would be good
  8. Happy Bday @snipeZ you drunkin Russian :)

  9. You know Olympus is a better server than Reborn when you actually get permed for being toxic

  10. I'm Free...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Can’t fix cancer

    3. N7Zero


      4 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

      Can’t fix cancer

      thats what u think.. :thinking-face_1f914:

    4. Savage


      I'm hard to fix me but when you try going for something you have wanted since day 1, you will do anything

  11. U litterly explained urself in this sentance... guess me and u have something in common?!?!?!
  12. @DeadPool idfk about u but the beef between u and me on this post u started... I said a nice joke of "if I go u guys would make me walk the plank" and u and ur ego take a step into the convo and ruin shit. So before u think ur the shit, look back to who started what, than talk. And also think of the problems people gonna have. This gonna go from a nice cruise to a murder scene cause u may be friends with 1 person, but then hate the other
  13. @Julian I'm laughing rn cause u actually think he cares about what ppl have to say over the internet. And the peter thing, he's 30 years old, is married, has a kid, and is going after 15 year olds... we call that the FBI watch list where I live, idfk about u
  14. I'm sorry but I didn't ask for ur opinion
  15. I would go but u guys would probably make me walk the plank
  16. Im talking from experience, its possible if you try, but its fucking hard not to be toxic cause of all the retarded things ppl say
  17. @Egnazio CONGRATS U TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. When Prime log on to fight and u get hit off :bender-dance:




  20. RIP @Sociopathic :( You were 1 of the chillest people i knew, im gonna miss you :( 

  21. @Majed is selling these NOT ME, he is currently banned from forums so pm him offers Here screenshot https://gyazo.com/cbcd447c091a23a9e2981e028d813d68
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