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Panda :)

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. lol its even funnier when you said in the support room you didn’t care when you were comped then messaged multiple staff members complaining about how you weren’t comped and want comp nice try lad I respect the hustle.
  2. shorter nights, no rain/fog, vote day:happygary:

    1. Creepy


      Extend the night, add zombies

  3. shit I missed it happy birthday dog @EatMeth

  4. cry more
  5. Damn I got fans
  6. Selling this post for Ad space hmu
  7. lmao thats fucking hilarious you were never bugged you are a fucking legend.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. destruct


      There now the e-rep hijackers have a longer way to go

    3. billdroid
    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Does he know how many reactions I have 


  8. Watch for the cartel event

  9. Do you have the player ID from the old account?
  10. ------[[__]]-------. DO
    ;-------------------. | YOU
    |                               | | LIKE
    |          DEFIB          | | WHAT
    |                               | | YOU
    | _______________ | / SEE?

  11. Bye dad
  12. someone help I tried doing a express install on my drivers and it made my monitors flash and turn off my main monitor came back on but my 2nd stayed off this has a happened before a usally reinstalling the drivers with a clean install fixes it but this time when i try to do a clean install it does this https://gyazo.com/bf0dfd9f70119b2f29bff92f9d2ce1d2 plz help

    1. Strae


      Have you tried turning it off and on again

    2. Papi Pods

      Papi Pods

      So one of your monitors didn’t come back on after a driver update? Have you tied going into windows settings and trying to have it detect your monitors?

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      It fixed it self ty tho

  13. You were always fucking hilarious later dog.
  14. 07 man didn’t really know you too much except for the few times I played squad with you and Luke but good luck and have fun in the military.
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