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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. if ya want to see a good example of why night class`s/my schedule sucks

    study kids

  2. support team is a fun job, you get to help people and feel good about yourself
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Bro Mohawks used to be op as fk lmao 


    3. KrispyK


      @Julian i went by reno back then i thinkkk

    4. Orgondo


      10 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

      You miss the Vault of Archavon days? NERD!

      Dogshit Wrath baby

  3. just tried the blackfish. definitly not something just anyone can land without practice

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      If you include fireball landings in that it's actually pretty easy.

      6 fireballs and you got a read landing hehe

    3. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      Analog throttle + memorize where it needs to be in order to hover.

    4. kev


      sam sells lessons 

  4. whos ddosing the ts

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RubberDuck


      I didn't know there were variants of questions, a question usually is followed by an answer... hello...

    3. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      It’s me





      dont ban. Not really me

    4. KrispyK



  5. image.png.bb1c8c1050a46e44e73f6ae6f5005e3c.png not sure if i wanna boot again


  6. We are turning into asylum...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Savage


      see we dont have 4 servers with 20 players each

    3. Linka


      just leave again bro 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Crafting killed asylum

  7. You like mlp That's about all I got for you, you cool
  8. olympus, where a perm is a 7 day ban

  9. thinking about buying that pc building simulator. anyone know how many hours you can sink into it

    1. DashTonic
    2. NokiaStrong


      Good for new builders but price is far too high for is usefulness 

  10. It is of you are cuaght doing it on purpose. It's an expliot
  11. So how long till the apd got overpowered and won

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KrispyK


      Tbh giving out mk1s to cops among other perks sounded like a bad idea

    3. -dante-


      Only corps has upgraded anything. All the POs and deputies had sdars. 

    4. KrispyK


      bro this is cancer cops are camping the gun store. walked out of my house and instant lethal

      is there NLR in kavala?


      didnt even have a gun a straight naked

  12. If someone gives me 3 mil I'll post a selfie to get roasted

    1. ponyslayer5000
    2. ScreaM


      I dont think anyone cares what you look like tbh. 

    3. KrispyK


      It's a meme scream don't be a negative nancy

  13. Gonna have to find a new admin to delete my posts I don't think you able to talk shit about bad admining Kappa
  14. Yo if someone can buy me a strider while I'm away I'll be gratefull. I want it so i can do cancerous kavala all day on my birthday (4/09) trying to get the boys together for full cancer

    1. KrispyK
    2. NokiaStrong


      Can I get interest? Like 700k for the 600k strider

  15. Bye.
  16. Forgot about this old video, never let Spiro in your gang https://youtu.be/hrFSIHgb4xE

  17. Doin this shit while I'm away from home ... SMH
  18. What's decimus do

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