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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Chickenlittle

  1. 137
  2. @McDili
  3. 54
  4. I play roblox and bought $10,000 in robux
  5. @Ares You spelled Chickenlittle Wrong

  6. Enter
  7. @Wong watch ur back
  8. When your hunting and your gun breaks and a 13 point buck walks into the feild :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Colin L
    3. Fedot


      do you make your own bullets? must be a Springfield armory kek

    4. Chickenlittle
  9. idk where
  10. Pick me <3 i know someone that needs one bad he is currently running apple earphones
  11. Welcome to the community
  12. Then why start exploiting??
  14. We will miss u tons sorry to hear I will miss watching the streams. Till I see you I wish you good luck
  15. Get corp, within 15 mins get my gear taken @kev

    1. Julian


      Congrats buddy on the Corporal.Scums lurk around everywhere for Corp gear so always have your finger on those lethals ;D

    2. Sociopathic
    3. kev
  16. Id be down sounds like a cool idea
  17. IT IS REALLY CLOSE TO REBEL WHILE STILL BEING A GOOD MUSHROOM SHED https://gyazo.com/5f44250da297e954a68a13fe5b03887d
  18. Is any1 selling a dp 25 4 or 3 craters??

    1. Prime


      TM WolvesGriefing got one on server 2 he's selling

    2. User_0000
  19. Casually find a blackfish
  20. Already blew up 3 m900s

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