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Everything posted by eggmasta

  1. You're right instead of working on solving the issue with hackers, we'll just drop that and work on the dono goal
  2. Itll cost you a ban, cause the only way you can get an unarmed ghosthawk is stealing one from a sr rnr member
  3. Lol, then leave the area. Unless you're trying to fight cops near an hq, its gonna take them at least a couple of minutes to get back (referencing most processors and rebel outposts).
  4. Tazer script is being fixed, first of all. Second of all, anyone that has held the position of cpl or higher can tell you cop can get expensive. Third of all, just cause cops dont lose much money doesnt mean they are supposed to lose every fight.
  5. I would consider cop nlr the day that cops and rebels are on an equal playing field, cops are at a gear disadvantage (for the most part), a strategic disadvantage (there are a shit ton of cops, good luck organizing a group of people that have never talked before on a consistent basis), a rules disadvantage (cops are pretty much always limited by the rules and handbook), and a tactical disadvantage (for the most part cops are always pushing). Im all for balance, but this ain't it chief.
  6. Y'all are too much, I just spent 20 minutes trying to catch up on this forum drama while I should be watching a physics lecture.:lol:

    1. virus


      fuck physics

    2. Google


      Don’t ddos me please. Oh wait it’s a fake website nvm you’re good.

  7. Going to be doing a "Capture the VIP" server event on server 2 in about 30 minutes after a derby event. EDIT: **SERVER 2**

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Prime


      @Mighty I agree we're aids as fuck and I always love hearing both sides but I feel like armed aerial vehicles will probably be banned from those types of events. The main reason we pulled it was to win. The second reason was to share some of that Hawk aids with APD 

    3. Mighty


      We wanted to pull a hawk too but lil @Hurricane is a beta bitch



      jk hurricane <3

  8. Running betting insurance, if both parties agree i will charge a 100% fee to the winning party and give 100% of the bet amount back to the losing party.  :Kappa:

    1. Elements


      hey man so i kinda need my money back 76561198449986608 :) 

  9. Congrats @KGB JOSH on support team





    You're demoted :)

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      o7 staff, was a good run

  10. Lol, dont think people understand the irony
  11. Im on it.
  12. I regret my decision to make a status update

    1. Mutiny


      I don't feel like coming to the phone today.

    2. eggmasta


      I wish everyone would leave me alone.

  13. Rest in Peace downvoting...

    1. maxg


      people care about E points that much?

    2. Hurricane






      U just got down voted 

    3. Bloodmoon
  14. #unjo4corp

    People with wooden teeth have been kept down long enough

  15. If I were in your shoes and you dont believe you did anything wrong after reviewing the evidence and youve been waiting for a while in TS, just put admin+ or even mod+ in your name while in the ban center and, if I see that and im on TS, I will usually try to answer any questions on it the ban (like what exactly you were banned for) and if I can't see anything wrong with the evidence or if you can provide evidence that would completely invalidate the original banning evidence, then I would most likely reach out to the banning staff member myself. As for the stepping on toes, like I said if it's something that is clearly not ban worthy then a higher ranking staff member reserves the right to lift the ban, however, if the ban is valid in any capacity, then the banning staff member is most likely going to retain the appeal, it's not really a politics thing, but more of a courtesy thing (nobody on staff is out to big dick someone else on staff).
  16. Sorry that you haven't had a great experience with our appeal system, personally I will at least try to check for appeals assigned to me a few times a day. However, for most staff, Olympus is not the top priority in their lives and schedules can fluctuate, so response time will always be different. Appeals for shorter bans can be tricky to resolve during the ban sometimes (dependent on when the appeal is submitted, time zones, and as I said earlier with schedules of both the staff member and player). However, that being said, it is still worth it in my opinion to appeal, even if it just means that your next ban won't be longer than it can be. On another note, the appeal system is certainly geared more towards longer bans. Also, staff members are easier to communicate with over the ticket system for the most part, since we don't need to be at our computer to respond to support tickets. As for your appeal specifically, your last response was 3 hours ago and that was after you replied 6 hours after his response, so that's not really a ridiculous wait time in my opinion. And as I stated earlier, staff aren't always available on TS on demand. Unless it's blatantly not a rule break, higher ranking staff members aren't going to step on other staff member's toes. Most of the time appeals depend on what the staff member deems appropriate (i.e. being lifted (usually when someone comps/offers comp right after the situation or provides a new video perspective provided), reduced (this is usually for slight misunderstandings, unintentional actions, staff member being lenient, etc), or no action taken (usually blatantly intentional/severe or a very poor attitude/complete lack of accepting responsibility in an appeal)). As for same level staff (mod-mod or admin-admin) lifting each other's bans, while technically it can happen it's more complicated and once again is only done if the ban was blatantly wrong.
  17. For those looking to dominate sofia, [cy6] @hawk and [cy6] eggmasta will be recruiting
  18. Welcome to the team!
  19. Still waiting for a succesful @Plumber coup of Olympus, I guess we're making progress...

    1. Plumber


      One owner at a time. Hear that @Ares? You’re next if I don’t get a titan fall robot statue made out of tanks.

    2. Aress


      Hmmm ill take a chance

    3. Mercury


      7 hours ago, Plumber said:

      Hear that @Ares?

      Initiate the Gamma protocol? :ph34r:

  20. o7, good luck now that youve been freed from your shackles
  21. o7 buddy, enjoy retirement a little longer this time
  22. eggmasta


    Good choice to edit your post. lol
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