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Everything posted by 1thedoc

  1. @Brolaf give me my dog back oh and happy birthday @Millennium  I guess your still a thing so happy the day you where born on 

    1. Millennium


      ty mr bald mustache man

    2. Brolaf


      Ty very much sir

  2. I fell asleep with my boots on help 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edweirdo


      then untie and take them off dummy

    3. 1thedoc


      I did but I can't feel my feet 

    4. SecTranLive
  3. o7 bud best of luck to you
  4. @TheCmdrRex hey so can we doing something about that lag 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PoptartRex


      Sounds like map design then. Time to spam the monkeys 

      @Mako @zoomzooooooom

    3. Mako


      27 minutes ago, Morgan Freeman said:

      I found Pyrgos hospital to be pretty laggy the other day, so did a few tree members when we were fighting them



      26 minutes ago, 1thedoc said:

      OH sorry lag and frame drops at the bank since all three servers went down and big bad frame drops at moonshine Brewery

      No new objects were added to Pyrgos there were actually some taken away. We made no drastic changes to the bank in terms of the map Pyrgos itself has been having FPS issues since the Bank, Jail, HQ and Pyrgos itself are clustered on top of each other. Also the lag you're experiencing from the gyazo you showed yesterday is probably just some EU shit ngl.

      Further note for Brewery could always verify you cache defrag your SSD/HDD close some additional programs or restart your game more often since Arma pools memory to see if that helps but I haven't had any issues with that area.

      29 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Sounds like map design then. Time to spam the monkeys 

      @Mako @zoomzooooooom


    4. zoomzooooooom


      3 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Sounds like map design then. Time to spam the monkeys 

      @Mako @zoomzooooooom


  5. anyone down for a big bet ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. Millennium


      10 minutes ago, Retard said:

      1 mil bet if you can get @Zeuse to say "Experience" properly

      might as well give him the 1 mil instead of betting it cuz it aint gonna happen

    4. Dolphy


      bet me 25 mil if you ccan get staff to middle man

  6. @maxg congrats well deserved 

  7. @Jester I hope you can come back from this man xxx

    1. Jester


      Thanks, doubt it tho since DB runs the server

  8. oh great another way for me to fulfill my gambling addiction and lose money just what I need thanks
  9. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137880385/
  10. eta on update!!!!!!!

  11. 0fd1544ecb93d37021661efd96c4d8ed.jpg

    1. Danger


      Yikes looks like he's seen better days

    2. Slumberjack


      thank goodness the EMT brought his windows key!

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