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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. Please submit a blacklist appeal at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Under the APD apps section
  2. All my money on @zoomzooooooom
  3. When @zoomzooooooom says he needs more oic's


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    1. CIA JOSH
    2. zoomzooooooom


      hes stealing my memes like i stole his oics :FeelsBad:

    3. CIA JOSH
  4. If it's a problem what do you propose is changed to balance it out? Along with that some of these numbers can be kinda bias and a bit off as anybody can get a blasting charge and plant it without the intent to actually do a proper fed.
  5. Man I love when the owner isn't transparent about anything and when people start calling him on his bullshit he continues to lie and deceive

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  6. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198201019325/#sort=order
  7. Hoonter

    o7 Gamers

    Didn't say it was a good joke but none the less
  8. Hoonter

    o7 Gamers

    He said if I got it he was going to quit. So after seeing that clip I made a joke... But hey whatever
  9. Hoonter

    o7 Gamers

    Want me to rip your tags?
  10. Am gay no lik
  11. What are you laughing at he was stating how the wording made it sound like his work and textures was being sold without permission I don't see how him being concerned that his work may be being sold for profit is something to laugh at
  12. I would say something about @Hadi Mokdad but I haven't heard from m5 in a while...

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  13. If thats how you feel. I hope you won't mind the permanent blacklist from the APD.
  14. Trainwreck because some fucking writers wanted to go write a star wars sequel only good part was my boy ghost getting pet.

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    1. KrispyK


      I dont even watch the show but that dae actor even said it was out of left field

  15. Well now they have a big tower o7 anything close to balance at the bw
  16. Deadpools reaction seeing @ChrisGG get dep chief circa 2019:yikes:

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  17. For alot of corporals+ who you see on the forums alot this is the main way they play yes but I would say out of the 250+ cops a significant portion play this on the side main civ a way to get a few dollars for civ and chill. He did this like once and typically just says fed in the channel he is in and leaves for it. Just saying you guys would complain about the stack then still win a good portion of the time. I know of two times a sAPD member has sat in a private channel during a BW or Fed and that senior is no longer around soooo. How are deputies more braindead when they are getting a more in depth and comprehensiveness training written by numerous sAPD members, former sAPD members and FTO's. Along with that the rank of FTO and corporal in general is to be the ingame leaders for the APD and typically they do a pretty good job at this. APD is like a mass recruited gang we have pretty much no requirements besides basic rules knowledge and the ability to log into ts and with these little requirements there will be some shitty deputies but even the shittiest deputies can get there act together and be a good APD officer.
  19. Sure act like there a bigger deal than just being a think tank but whatever...
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