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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. Sooo isss my  birthday... *whispers* po test. Someone say something??

  2. Sooo isss my  birthday... *whispers* po test. Someone say something??

  3. @Pledge MCSD Sergeant!

    Found this... god now watching it I sound like a chimp after find the meal for the day.

  4. @Pledge MCSD Sergeant!

    Found this... god now watching it I sound like a chimp after find the meal for the day.

  5. @Pledge MCSD Sergeant!

    Found this... god now watching it I sound like a chimp after find the meal for the day.

  6. Tomorrow will be a very hard day for @Gluxdator and @Shades.

    May god save their soul.

  7. Hard question here: Do people prefer an APD that has quality officers and roleplays or an APD that is relaxed and let's anyone who works for it get a rank?

  8. Love when two POs run a speed trap (without moving even an inch) for 20 minutes in an Admin channel and complain the APD is bad

  9. 351c4427b1f2808777b861eede7495d8.png.6da0230ce18197208c62a37dcb347d90.pngeta on unblacklist @Pledge

  10. @Eggman @Hadi Mokdad and @Corps are probably the best 3 olympus staff members btw and @Ryan that guy is a champ #notsukindik

  11. Can the donor APD SUV/hatchback be baby blue and black instead of white and black? Make it a little different from the normal police version of them. Thanks @Pledge @Shades @Gluxdator

  12. I think I have fallen in love with lisa from black pink don't @ me 

  13. Time to move on with life. Bye Loved and enjoyed my time i had here.  

  14. Jason is making the world a better place 


  15. Jason is making the world a better place 


  16. #ExterminateTheWoodenTeethPeople

  17. fucking make vigi's on warzone bannable its so fucking aids having retards camping warzone and wiff a mag then tase you like fuck just remove the fucking vigi's already.

    Whoever Jared is in game ur a bitch

  18. @Viper how many lamps will a montage be without in-game music? Asking for a friend ;)

  19. Since we now have a British owner, I think we should change Olympus currency from $ to £.

  20. Let the people mass downvote if they want to. As long as they don't use Alts whats wrong with it.

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