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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. Bolt cutters for vigilantes purchasable from the vigilante outpost and legalized I put that idea on the sheets in the beginning of this year and was told its a stupid idea because vigi's should have boltcutters yet they can go get them from bm for $500.
  2. 96a8b1304d62e32045a880bfabaa298d.png

    1. Richard


      I was engaged by APD 3 times at Air while taxiing the other day.  Didn’t even get a chance to send the “Ligma” message.

    2. Hisoka


      How can y’all downvote this shit, it’s great! 

  3. eta on next r6 tournament?

    1. Weaz


      I mean I could always use the 2x R6 tourny winner tag. 😄

      Not to mention @Civak and @Hurricane told @Main I didn't want the money last time.

    2. Main
  4. You would've been the pussy and gave him a warning point for it.
  5. @DashTonic is up there and he hasn’t logged on in a few months.
  6. Congrats on admin! I knew you would get it

    1. MarriageCourtOfAltis


      Sorry sir I am working on a case right now please leave me be!

  7. Second time is the charm grats

  8. Is that potato salad?

    1. DevanMF


      lol look at them down votes


  9. @Bloodmoon if you don't know the situation then don't comment on it
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