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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Strae

  1. Someone give @Drippp mod for his birthday happy birthday

    1. Drippp


      Factual factoid brother @Ryan

  2. 4IJg158.jpg

    @Kedar What floor Ma'am

    1. Civak


      banger tweet

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Millennium


      gets angry when downvoted

    3. bummm


      30 mil reward to whoever finds noodles and gives me his snap

    4. Millennium


      give me the 30 mil first @Greenbum

  3. Strae

    new hud

    Which staff member is trynna leak who voted yes
  4. Strae

    new hud

    no ads ? too much visibility ?need more pictures that cover the screen
  5. @Brolaf @Jig Congratulations on design contributor you two. The designs that y'all have shown me were pretty good. Can't wait to see what y'all add to the server.

    Just make sure you add skins other than solid colors 😤

  6. Sending my thoughts and prayers your way @Hurricane 🙏🙏🙏😞

  7. was already a thing, just wasn't in the handbook.
  8. Not to bother you mr @Panda :) but 76561198160493981
  9. this better be a title IG @Ryan
  10. fiddy pushups for corporal twitch.tv/omegamonks

  11. congrats @bldmn @rsco

    1. Rossco


      Thank you Mr. Venezuelan man (out of reactions)

  12. price check small storage crate

  13. It protects my brain cells from dying
  14. Skate helmets are only authorized for quad bike patrols (exception: sgt.+ may utilize Skate Helmets at any time)
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