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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Strae

  1. TnIuWqNI_400x400.jpg

    ZeUsE: OI Mate Is Was Lieutenant.

  2. congrats on carrot kid

    1. proud


      reminds me of my shitter tags @Grandma Gary where they at

  3. <17:46:32> "Cocoisdead": Are you lightning cause
    <17:46:44> "Cocoisdead": cause i want to make you McQueen
    <17:46:47> "Cocoisdead": https://gyazo.com/d1e03ab876a195b061e32530e77f9fc4
    😳 @CocoisDead

  4. quite the L for mother nature

  5. when are the devs adding in s3 conquest... eta? @Zahzi

    cba with the frames

  6. o7 @Mr GOAT Some people didn't like when you got chief but you were literally the best chief out of the 6 I was sr apd for lol

    @Winters congrats boomer 🇬🇧🎉

  7. cute-korean-kids-playing-lego-260nw-1931

    grats @systembips @zues

    1. Zeuse


      Cheers Venezuelan guy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strae


      When someone asks what tasks I have I can't answer if I literally don't know them.

    3. Monks
    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Everything is Russian?

      Always has been

  8. 9f07b44157a64b5cf4f04058cf386b22.png

    i just hate it when this happens 😞

  9. forsen-cd-emote-doc.jpg
    the 2 timer congrats @Airborne

  10. congrats @Jig @Brolaf
    you finally learned how to use the right arma settings and imgur

  11. @Parker R dayz time. no time for work, we need to make $$$

  12. @Rossco grats don't fuck my shit 🥳

  13. @thor happy birthday I'm still older than you noob

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Strae would you like to respond to recent allegations?

    2. Strae


      Just now, ooooooooo said:

      Strae would you like to respond to recent allegations?

      Might wanna refresh bud

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  14. @AstralC Happy birthday!!!!!🥳🎉

    @Headless happy birthday👉👈😳

  15. 🏄‍♂️

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Monks


      Hypothetically ur all going to jail now

    3. bummm


      Not even hypothetically you just dont understand @Monks

    4. Monks
  16. .gnimaG supmylO ot detaler ton erew tnuocca rehto ym no snab ehT .tnuocca maets tnereffid a no wen detrats I .s'revres supmylo ot gniht elgnis a enod t'nevah I hguoht neve dennab labolg ratsifni em teg ot dluoc eh sa raf sa tneW .nosrep elbirroH

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