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Everything posted by c0zza

  1. pleaseeeee unban me i will do anything i swear 😞

  2. unban butch or his biker gang will come @Zurph @Zahzi @Ryan

  3. unban tucker with the mullet @Zurph

  4. give me money
  5. Selling 897 WP's , message me offers

  6. Selling 897 wp's , message me offers

  7. Do a conquest today at 5pm est , 10pm EU time please thanks

    1. Civak


      Get this reply to 20 likes and I’ll make it happen.

  8. smh conquest so late for EU people , we have jobs 😞 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vcx


      That's a joke right 

    3. silton


      Relax at least you're not au dodley

    4. Zahzi


      The one this Saturday is earlier

  9. Does anyone know why my bets as civilian don’t show up on my stats page but my ones I do as cop do ???

    1. Zahzi


      Are you sure they show up for you on cop? 

      I thought it was bugged entirely.

    2. iPopsicle
    3. c0zza


      @Zahzi yeah I did 1 bet to test as cop and it showed up , I’ve done a lot as civ and they don’t show up

  10. Cartel event today ??? @Panda :)

    1. -dante-


      I think the man knows y’all want an event every day. 

    2. bastro


      @Panda :) for the cheese hat

  11. Cartel event or riot!

  12. @Panda :) do a cartel event pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee , same time as yesterdays

    1. -dante-


      @Panda :) do an event when you want to around your life thanks *** 


      fixed it for your demanding ass 

    2. Elements


      dante u a weirdo

    3. -dante-
  13. Cartel event @Panda :) ❤️ EU time , last night was fun

  14. Can people make gangs that actually fight cartels please?

    1. Toasty


      oh so youre one of those.

    2. Creepy


      @Toasty revive your shitty gang

    3. Drippp
  15. 5m bet anyone??

  16. @Ryan how and when do we get our money for predicting it right
  17. Feel like shit , just wanna fight Cap again 😞

  18. @Jerrod ddosing a school u nonce , imagine

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      @Cozza that is a British thing. not American, do you expect him to know exactly what it means

    3. Zurph


      imagine Olympus banning for it

    4. Unjo


      Imagine committing a crime because you wanna spend more time playing arma 3 instead of doing maths homework 

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