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Everything posted by Evann

  1. this update is going to be so buggy

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. indian


      1 minute ago, zoomzooooooom said:

      i think hes talking about bank 

      ooohhhhhh i gotcha, I was confused thinking that you were just talking about the update in general

    3. zoomzooooooom


      yeah i didnt make it clear i apologize friend

    4. indian


      lol idm it’s 4 am and I can barely think straight. Thought I was just retarted for a second.

  2. @tacosmell eTa On CsGo LeAgUe

    1. Zakaloko


      he said it not gonna happen 

    2. Evann
    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      We dont even play csgo anymore

  3. add refill mag at flagpole

    no balls


    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. d a k o t a
    3. Evann


      3 hours ago, MAV said:

      Makes 0 practical sense to be able to refill mags on cap...maybe fill one of those 150 hatchys with mags...then boom no more problem...

      Hatchy fix coming next update...

      how is it 0 practical sense. i have had many times where i have defended a push, had very little mags because i have reloaded many times and have like 6 mags with like 10 - 20 bullets in each, and then they repush because they respawn and instantly come back. refilling on cap is not a bad idea. you dont fight cap MAV you have no idea what you are talking about

    4. Unjo


      3 hours ago, Evann said:

      how is it 0 practical sense. i have had many times where i have defended a push, had very little mags because i have reloaded many times and have like 6 mags with like 10 - 20 bullets in each, and then they repush because they respawn and instantly come back. refilling on cap is not a bad idea. you dont fight cap MAV you have no idea what you are talking about

      Then get off cap and go to one of your two local rebels

  4. jordan solomon is kinda good

  5. yall really added a leader board for erep


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. indian
    3. Evann


      when indians mom makes him go to bed at 9 in the summer


    4. indian


      didn’t happen


    hbd @Xirie !!!!!

  7. how about you move arms dealer to OG so all the fuckin squatters get off of church? also if someone combat logs in your restraints (for vigi) and it pops up and shows you, does it also show you on cop if they combat log since you restrained them
  8. whyd you delete it


  9. owner





    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N7Zero


      17 hours ago, Hadi Mokdad said:

      There is  devs, admins, mods, civs council that keep news  and updates under owner arms and approval from the owner him self and you worry why he doesn't post? Is it going to change anything if he say "Hi" in a status update? 

      what he is saying is information sounds better from the owners mouth. i feel the same too, its like donald trump is president but u dont see him hiding in the oval 24/7


  10. Evann

    wtb wp

    hmm ill sell you 0 warpoints for 0k
  11. @DeadPool what ever happend to that irl disney meet up with all the arma 3 ppl


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I was in Orlando a month ago at universal hotel for a week and would’ve bought food, drinks, anything really

      nobody interested 

    3. Evann


      @B r a l l s arent you that kid that said he was leaving the server after blowing it up

      bur still here on the forums

    4. B r a l l s

      B r a l l s

      Wait sorry who are you just a random kid on fourms complaining in every status update so I said sum

  12. it wouldve been godly just an ifrit blowing up a bunch of retards on church
  13. this is a goodthread keep it going https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b-ZicCT8Dg
  14. Evann

    Good run

    this is so epic
  15. app for a dead game lets do it! also how much of a fatass do you have to be to want to look at the arma 3 stats on your fuckin phone ahahaha
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