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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. I love duping
  2. 4th gen 4runner
  3. Does anyone have the Type 115 taser for sale?

    1. Mighty


      Type best cop weapon. Change my mind. Bring them back to Cpl!

  4. Do NOT say anything moderately offensive against the women of Olympus. White knights will quickly defend the pussy population on this game. Olympus has too many snowflakes now.
  5. server is laggy af

  6. Fuck Mako that cry baby!
  7. Came back and I'm desyncing all over the place for everyone else, as if I'm lag switching.  Does anyone know a fix before I get banned

    1. JoeL


      Honestly A+ for effort for trying to cover up that you’re lag switching before you’re actually banned smart smart!

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      9/10 time the lag stops if you stop greasing up those cords.

  8. Ronin

    Buying Tasers

  9. Looking specifically for Promets and Stings. DM me or leave a comment, looking to buy asap.
  10. Who let this stinky monkey on the support team??????

    1. ZeRo


      Just because he is black you call him a monkey... Wow. Don't you know the oppression @ Mudiwa  has suffered? Take a look at this picture when he was unlawfully shot. 



  11. i have an armed huron
  12. why is everyone rich as fuck now

    whats changed

    1. Monks


      For about 4 to 6 months the player betting cap was increased to 1 billion. So everyone got rich on betting.


    2. Ronin
    3. DashTonic


      Or gambling if you do it right

  13. Who gives a fuck if they're legal, just use them and evade cops.
  14. does anyone want to see tarkov players through walls?  fully legit ofc

  15. Asylum did it better
  16. holy shit dude when are you going to stop mentioning that you duped? it has been more than half a year, we get it.
  17. server 1 is unplayable, it's so fucking laggy

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Civak


      ur a literal bowling ball the server had no issues at that time

    3. Jerrod


      retarded mong dev @Civak no wonder this server is so dogshit and dying 

    4. Civak


      gutter ball try again

  18. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ronin000/
  19. /sTs\ and original [ - ]
  20. people getting 3d/14d for duping full kits, @Hannibal.H gets permed for duping an ak and pilot helm.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. destruct


      All of the people that were banned in the .exe duping fuckery were all banned on 2+ cases of evidence, this dude and you included. It wasn't as simple as you make it.

    3. Ronin


      no no without a doubt we did.  however hannibal duped a minuscule amount in comparison to these 3d/14d kiddos.  he didn't put up a fight however because he'd like to stay off this game.

    4. monster


      17 minutes ago, Ronin said:

      no no without a doubt we did.  however hannibal duped a minuscule amount in comparison to these 3d/14d kiddos.  he didn't put up a fight however because he'd like to stay off this game.

      Dev mistake > Game breaking bug that allowed you to dupe LITERALLY ANYTHING

  21. increase the prize pool
  22. contact dlc has been "cracked" :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xlax


      @Skys @Drippp ill msg u on discord

    3. Drippp


      I request an instructional video @Xlax

    4. Ronin


      only thing is you can't play the campaign if you're into that

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