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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. I think it’s got a lot do with lower activity/lower pops. Plus now days, any money people make goes straight to the casino which is prob why some can’t afford medic vehicles which are pretty cheap compared to most. I’d be all for going back to the old 17.5k system but I don’t think medics should be making a huge amount.
  2. I like how I’m in there twice! We know where your heart is!
  3. Congrats @Fraali  well deserved 

  4. What kind?
  5. If you eat cereal with water, you're an animal.
  6. Nice!
  7. The real shocker here is that @destruct is alive.
  8. Custom action 10 is what you set for windows key. You can find a list of all custom actions in game by opening your map, and clicking on controls on the left hand side.
  9. o7
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