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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. McDili commenting on some porn he was watching in teamspeak - "You know, I think I'm going to switch the video, because this scene is pretty vanilla" 

    Ladys and Gentlemen, we have a grade A Sexual deviant on our hands people.

  2. I apologise for last night people. I don't drink often. BUT WHEN I DO...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Ha, I just remember Moob was talking about sending people pictures of his little jimmy.. Let's hope for his sake he didn't actually do that. XD

    3. Tyrone


      1 hour ago, JBruesch said:

      called me gay, incoming perm :Kappa:

      I was victim of that too :0 

    4. OlympusAccount


      I decided to get ahead on my work instead of play last night, and I regret it.

  3. Well sir, You should fact check, You might surprise yourself.
  4. Fuck you talkin about? Guy's been in about 30
  5. Overused inaccurate meme 2/10. Sorry, next.
  6. Sorry, didn't order an Uber, must have the wrong address.
  7. @buckie Been in more gangs than I've been in women. slut
  8. plumbers gay

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RogueMK


      Moob go home, you're drunk!

    3. DeadPool


      His name is plumber since he likes to plunger ass holes.

    4. Lucki


      Real life pic of @Plumber


  9. The players that play this game are a different kind of awful.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      No, that would be too easy. ^.^ I'm actually really bad but after a few games I finally got a 2 piece. (Like 6 games in with no kills) 

      I'm decent at solo tho

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      A lot of that game is luck, wherever you are looting having good shit or not

    4. I Am Fuzzy
  10. https://gyazo.com/296ec7972d8fa973d5f7ebdc5d278182

    How hard is it to just perm someone.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      People that got unpermed openly mocking the staff members that unbanned them, this is great

    3. Tman15tmb


      Rusty has changed a lot sense he was last permed. Sure he can still be a shit head but I have noticed he at least tries to refrain from being an overly toxic fuck tard on the forums (Not sure about in game). Good job Rusty. Keep it up!

    4. Rusty


      Thanks lad, i try not to be lol :)

  11. What are you talking about? There were literally people in the gang that we held off promotions on because we wanted to avoid this whole MCPD bullshit people came off with. Simple fact of it was, we had the longest serving and most experienced cops in the gang. all over the october+ 2014 join dates. Besides there were rigorous processes in place to ensure this could be avoided. It wasn't just a case of "Oh I like him, lets give him corporal" or "Oh I like him, lets give him sergeant" There were meetings/discussions, paperwork to fill out and then had to be looked at by other seniors who weren't in the same gang as you.
  12. How did we get to Sr. Positions? Did the Sr. APD at the time like us or something? Nope, furthest thing from it.
  13. Well, unfortunately Rebel Outposts are able to be continuously raided by APD as well as Cartels (With the appropriate pre-requisites of course) and sure as shit I'd rather attack a rebel on cop rather than attack an HQ on Civ. I had Plumber who had 6 cops with him hold off 17 people at Air HQ. 30 second respawn times, randomized spawning and 1 tap tazers make an HQ a fortress. Lets just say over the last 2/3 months I've probably had 2 out of 25 engagements at an HQ go even somewhat successfully. The best way to get somebody out of HQ is to sneak them out, and to be honest, if you come up against 2 cops that got more than 3 answers right on their deputy test, they'll have more than enough capability to snuff that out real quick. It's not that people are complaining about not being to win EVERY engagement, because you shouldn't and can't, but your response is really overlooking the fact that you basically CAN'T win an engagement at HQ with more than 3 capable cops. Edit: The best offensive tactic at an HQ was just to taze cops, restrain them so they can't actually die to respawn. But now that's basically out the window if you need 3 civs.
  14. Buying DMS Scope. Send me a PM and let me know your price.



    1. Fuzy


      Shit man, I only have duped ones. 

    2. Ajax


      I have like 12 duped ones, if you want a non duped one I've only got 1. Gonna charge you 16 mill for that one. 500k each for the duped ones.

    3. DeadPool


      Talk to monkey and cats

  15. was 5/10 until I seen Phizx > Peter Then Dezree > Phizx. 8/10
  16. af99ff2eaf56991b616f41216ab791f6.png

    Bye Bye X-rated.

    ecks DeeEe

  17. "Perm'ed for Exploiting the Medic vehicle impound option" Fuck me, I'd rather admit to hacking than go out like that.
  18. Dear @DeNiaL

    You are a dick.

    You will not be welcome back to the Olympus Servers, My Gang, or teamspeak in any way whatsoever

    I go to bat for any one of my members that is banned as anyone who has ever been involved the ban appeals process is well aware. However your hacking ban is legitimate and you had multiple accounts to ban evade on too.

    You are the first person to ever be in my gang and be banned for Hacking in my gang. After 2 and a half years, You have not only sullied the gangs reputation as a clean group of players despite what people think, and my own reputation that I can play without cheaters, as, if I'm going to point the finger at anyone for cheating, I'm going to make sure my own back is covered first, you have fucked that up for me.

    The fact that you have deleted me off Steam, and a few forms of social media only makes your guilt more evident. You not only lose my respect as a player but as a friend. You lied to me.

    Let this be a lesson to all. Not everyone is who they say they are, Not everyone is as clean and legitimate as you might think they are, and when backed in to a corner, people will lie to your face to save their own skin because this is the internet, and they don't have the spine to do it in person. This is exactly why I am in full support for what the administrators and Poseidon are doing to prevent cheaters, despite the hassle that it has caused to those affected.



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Linka


      this was the best roast of all time imo 

    3. ProfessionalHostage


      9 hours ago, McDili said:

      If you @Corporal_moob and @Orgondo don't make out I'm going to kill @Gibbs


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Good thing it wasn't me.


      That's why cha boy @Mako dusted yeeeee kid.

      Even if I couldn't feel my ass, I'd have felt that drop.




    3. Fedot


      5 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

      didnt know wheelchairs could fly


      if i said that id get banned #FEMINISM #EQUALRIGHTS

  19. I'm not even going to bother. May 2014 the server came up in. It is not May 2017 yet.
  20. Put the tags back.

    Honestly who the fuck even cares about a news team.

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      Wait, so should start messaging people to and telling them how to vote too then?

    3. Pledge


      Now your out of line. @TheRandomOne Let the poll go how it may

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      Pretty sure all I did was post it in my teamspeak so people could see.

      Haven't even left the original channel I've been in since I posted it.

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