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Everything posted by Blizzix

  1. FiveM closed beta has launched :D

    1. x a n x

      x a n x

      Good luck -UA- Blizzix from fellow friend -UA- Alekkz in your further work with it ! 

  2. Cyberpunk 2077 is looking promising. I like to see new quality sp games and this one looks like the story won't be half bad.

  3. Who ate all the chicken parmesan?

    1. Pledge


      I did. It was good.

    2. Blizzix


      Next time make your own dish for the potluck goddammit.

    3. CIA JOSH
  4. I agree with some of the points in this post. The Arma servers do need more development attention and I think adding people who are fluent in SQF and who are competent programmers who work well in a team environment would be a very great idea. It is my personal opinion that people who fill that role are very difficult to find. There are so many factors that play into why I say that in which I am not going to name all here but would be willing to have a conversation about it if you so choose. Now - personally, I am not the one looking through applicants or making decisions, and I do not know about these "very odd reasons" in which people are not given a chance. But I do know from my real life experiences that in development, a applicants technical skill is not the only thing that matters to the employer. I also know from a technical standpoint just because someone "knows" a language does not mean they know the extent of which it should be used. I would like to re-state that what was said above is my personal opinion and I do not have great knowledge of the reasons previous developer applicants where denied, or everything that is searched for from said applicants. I do however know that @TheCmdrRex plans to address this topic and I look forward to how things proceed and I assume you do as well. I hope my input is of some value to you, and like I said, my dm's are always open. :D
  5. I just wanted to clarify to some extent. We currently have four developers - Rex, Dash, Phunky, and myself. Many people are aware that there are multiple sides of development depending on the specific skill of said developer. While Rex primarily handles the Arma side of things with the help of Dash - they are considered Arma developers (who work with SQF). It is pretty obvious what they do as it is what everyone interacts with every time they log into the Arma servers. That being said, a lot of people are unclear what Phunky and myself do as the key phrase they hear is "web development". Now, while to an extent this is true - we do "web development", it may not be exactly what you expect. The things we develop are commonly not seen or used by the public or are not yet ready to be released to the public. Additionally, we don't work on the forums as that is something that was developed by a company and is a commercial product. Things that we actually work on usually involve tools that staff or the factions can use to improve their operations. One example was an application @Phunky made which allowed staff to handle tickets more effectively by saving them time using more modern methods. Or things that add to the quality of life to everyone as a whole such as the discord bot that I made which displays statistics from in-game to our discord server. There are a handful of proof of concepts that have also been made that may arise in the future. Currently, my closing remark is even though most of the stuff Phunky and I work on is not made very public it still benefits the community greatly even if its not realized. Also, our tasks are not limited to web or discord development as taco mentioned, that is just the easiest way to explain what we do without having something to actually show you. Keep in mind that our knowledge is not limited to just web or just discord development, just not sqf for multiple reasons. In conclusion, we do a lot more than on the surface and hopefully over the coming months everyone will come to realize that, it is just hard to notice something without seeing it. After typing this, I realize there should be more definition provided to the community on how the development team actually operates and that is a conversation that will be addressed at a later date. Once things start to settle down, there will be more clarification but we just need to get our ducks in a row first. Things take time. I would also like to add the fact that somethings Phunky and I work on are long-term projects that take weeks if not a few months at a time to be completed (most of the time this is the case where we have multiple of these projects on the backlog) so just be patient. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.
  6. Pickle juice and Crystal Light Fruit Punch Mix do NOT mix well.

  7. What's on your mind?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. maxg


      what is this facebook? :Kappa:

    3. Evann


      26 minutes ago, DashTonic said:

      When im gonna get a primial that matters in Diablo

      dudeee that game is fuckin sick

      demonhunter is best

    4. Larkerz
  8. July 4th - Stranger Things 3 :D 

  9. Check dm's D:

  10. Heyo! If anyone streams on Olympus often, and wants to work on getting a tad bit more exposure to their stream send me a PM or comment on this status. I have some ideas and would like to get feedback.

    1. NexIV


      I don't stream, but im active in multiple Olympus streams each day. I will refer some of them to this status update my guy :D 

    2. Millennium
  11. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!

  12. Ziggy brother man, I don't think that is the correct solution for new players.
  13. Good stuff!
  14. 373 Replies.
  15. Dear Destruct, 

    I would like to formally apologize to you about my behavior today. It was uncalled for me to bring up business in a place of recreational activity. I understand that this may have put unnecessary tasks on your to-do list during a time of casual conversation. Next time, I will be sure to go through the process that is designed like everyone else instead of trying to cut the line. 

    I hope you accept my apology, and I appreciate your time.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. destruct


      @ikiled made him do it, not necessary, but apology accepted?

    3. Toasty


      I dont think this should be a status update.

    4. Isaac Newton
  16. Grand Theft Auto V: GTA is a great game that you can pick up on sale for about $20 via Steam. Right out of the box, this game offers tons of content that will keep you entertained for many, many hours. Seeing as the game was released in September of 2013, it is likely that you have heard of it and most likely played before. Although, if you haven't I would recommend this game for you easily. Even if you have played on console before, if you have the chance to play it on a decent PC it is differently worth purchasing. The story is worth at least one play through. GTA:O includes a lot of grinding and requires a specific taste, but the heist's are fun. The game really became worth my money once I discovered a framework to allow Role playing. It may sound silly but it is actually really dope. The framework is called FiveM and once you have installed the game, installing FiveM is hassle free. I have racked countless hours and have had tons of fun. The fun becomes increased with friends. All I can do is tell you to check it out. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: CS:GO is about $15 for the full edition on steam. Great competitive play, requires teamwork and skill, and is all around a great game to play every once in awhile. Deceit: This game is all about it's title. A cool little free to play horror(ish) game featuring interesting characters trying to work together to escape. Be careful because two members of your team are out to kill you. Skyrim: You can pick up Skyrim:SE for $40 on steam. This game was way ahead of its time. Great exploration; epic dragon fights; great story; gameplay feels endless (don't get me started on the mods). Ring of Elysium: Cool free to play battle royal. I never really invested time in other games of this genre but this game seemed to interest me. It has unique style and gameplay that is all around a good time with friends. ~Blizzix
  17. I believe that Permanent Bans are there for simplicity. They have the tendency to get the point to the player that what they have done is in no way allowed. They also convey to the player that the player should reflect and contemplate their actions to determine why they were banned, how they could prevent a ban in the future if they do return (or within other communities), what it is they could do differently in the future, and how they could make it up and possibly return to the community they were banned from. On the other hand, seeing someone getting a permanent ban is a clear message to not do what the player was banned for. As much as it may seem unfair, some bans are used as a deterrent and a message of what could happen if someone decided to follow the wrong do-er's footsteps. (Note: these are my own opinions. Ones I have seen in action elsewhere. I do not yet know if these opinions hold true to Olympus.) Anyhow: There is a system in place for players who have been banned (permanent or not) where they can have their ban reviewed by the proper authority and be notified why they were banned or possibly be able to be un-banned if it was a wrongful or unjust ban. Take a look at the "Ban Appeals" section on the Ticket Report Info forum, or look at the spoiler below. Btw, I highly recommend people read and understand the rules. Then take extra steps such as recording (shadow-play is a good place to start) to prevent any wrongful ban. While they may still happen I find they are pretty unlikely. ~Blizzix
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