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Everything posted by Evannnnn

  1. @rabid why would you report someone breaking rules, scum of the earth rat smh
  2. thats the point, no one does anything but betting
  3. your signature is gold
  4. cop kozlice should be a bean bag shotgun change my mind

    1. Monks


      lmao would be amazing but annoying

    2. Billeh


      we should be able to use slugs so corps can have their version of the mar-10

    3. Joce


      ok, but i want the kill feed to read: "Joce got knocked the fuck out! by Evannnnn"

  5. is this the one you loaded up tasers with while you were on cop
  6. Evannnnn


    o7 shitposter
  7. o7 old friend
  8. Evannnnn


    alot of us know him from 2 things, egotarding over messages in game when he wins a fight by shooting you in the back and two, cop
  9. o7 to a real one
  10. as long as cops get them too
  11. hbd @i chop hatchbacks ill pull the heli next time 

  12. purge should be an event that happens at midnight every night or some shit tbh, its alot of fun and never used
  13. thx for the money
  14. If the situation calls for it and no shots were fired, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if given prior warning. that would be my take on the rule
  15. we need @ChillX skins no one cares about medics
  16. @Noodles:D hbd bro g4P1UKD.png

    1. Noodles:D


      Thank you sir I'll tighten it for you

  17. hbd @Cyanide

    1. Noahhh!


      Oh shit, yeah, happy birthday dude @Cyanide.

  18. wheres ALF
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