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Diamond Drop

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Everything posted by Diamond Drop

  1. Does anyone believe this anything other then practice for when he shoots up the school?
  2. GOD Tier


    1. Millennium


      “Desynced and blew up a vehicle on the other side” 

      desync my fucking ass, lmao

    2. Diamond Drop

      Diamond Drop

      @ Millennium The van was blue. The crate was blue. I was more focused on how sick that line I just did was.

  3. I cant wait to see the POs and DEPs diving into bullets to save there beloved Senior whos seizing the airdrop. Shits gunna look white house down.
  4. I think we need to add the Ass Blaster 3000 to every HQ for the hard to get answers


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Venomm


      @ Maddox dont touch my shitter

    3. Monks


      I do like the water station on the side as well. Gotta stay hydrated 💪

    4. Rafa


      Looks like it would initiate a lot of roleplay. 
      but maybe not the type we want to be a witness to 😳

  5. S2DN1gd.jpg

    Cant win them all

    1. buckie


      Seems like ur just a dumb random like u always been diamond_monkey

    2. Diamond Drop
  6. Goodbye Grandma Gay!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jerrod


      this was the most gangster thing I have seen in a while. Respect

    3. Jerrod


      wtf is this man. cmon now dawg. No need to have something like this on your profile pic.OHHGAWSH.jpg.27d1a56027e09e28eb20e121c1d14275.jpg

  8. Diamond Drop


  9. Good to see it. Now we just need medics to have the darter drones to pick up the dead bodies.
  10. "You WILL NEVER EVER BE ON CIVILIAN COUNCIL. I'll make sure of that" - @Millennium, @Cooper:P, @Silton, @Diamond_drop
  11. Bye crack head.
  12. @ThatNerdyGuy the real MVP. Riped the cop tag off me so wouldent have to be around all those sweaty  roleplayers!



    1. Monks


      Just exposed ur cheats nerd 🤡 ur gone

    2. monster


      @Monks wrong xvideos personal closet cheater hit him with the "damage = false"

    3. Venomm


      @Monks still better at aiming than you

  14. @Ryan Dis you?


    1. Skys


      more like half of TP

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      ryan and all his oly money

  15. you big gay

    1. Monks


      @Noahhh! u gonna let him do u like that

    2. Noahhh!


      It's okay @Monks, I have Diamond's address.

  16. You edited the post and its still fucked.
  17. I wanna be special
  18. What a shame... seems you didnt.
  19. So you are telling me that the player is punished for buying a ghost hawk from staff insted of the staff member? How at all is that fair?
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