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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Someone sent this to me lmao I didn't even know they used this clip


    1. N7Zero


      claim that revenue Image result for ez clap

  2. When you did that is was a lowkey ddos to the server. Every cuff sound was broadcasted among the server lmao. Shift + f7 gang.
  3. I would like to thank @an overweight giant retard for allowing my comment to indirectly be in the spotlight. Best mod! These plague kids just don't understand I guess...

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      never will

      yw for the internet popularity points

  4. Is it me or is this website laggy af when you scroll and shit

  5. Deepfakes are the best thing ever invented....



  6. Yeah you did the right thing getting that Blue. Looks mint.
  7. F30 N26 w/ Deleted muffler, cold air intake, Stg 1 93 Oct. BM3 Tune. @edwardini I highly recommend getting the BM3 tune. You will not be disappointed. But you might be when you spin a hub.
  8. Been falsed ban three times now but yeah great server xD ngl its fun but i keep getting banned for nothing and im confused about it everytime waking up seeing the ban message like bruh what I do wrong

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Tbh I don’t blame them xD

  9. -Hacks servers of gaming community a shit ton. (Expects zero retaliation) 

    -Server retaliates

    -Hacker =


  10. @Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby thats all I need 

  11. Literally the smartest guy I've talked to. Love ya bud, we should play some games sometime.
  12. Good luck and your welcome @Ryan

    With love, 

    @Jesse and myself

  13. Step 1: Buy server for profit

    Step 2: See how much money you can actually get

    Step 3:

    Image result for eyes popping out tom jerry gif

    Step 4: Ask for more money because you don't want to give current profits to the people who actually contribute to the server.

  14. Imagine asking for the community's opinion then hide it because they can't handle community's opinion:taylor:

  15. Perm more people I need something to read


  16. How does one play in the GTA RP beta? I want in on that shit.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Millennium


      Im pretty sure @Blizzix is MIA, and no one is really playing the Beta anymore

    3. Danger


      People have been on, they have been updating it.

    4. Blizzix


      @Millennium im not MIA. I am just not able to do much due to some external real life things that are in progress.

  17. You're still a cunt for false banning all of those people

  18. iPopsicle


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