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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Welcome to Olympus
  2. Just to make sure you know, Olympus Staff has nothing to do with comp. It is only between the two players.
  3. Happy 30 Dez, I hope your kid is doing well :dejaywink:

  4. a0f3cccaa015f139662f6336f404bbd3.jpg

    1. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Courtesy of Trident

    2. obeymatt


      Thanks again for the call outs ignis 

  5. The more I see your name in the status updates the tighter the rope around my neck gets

    1. DeadPool


      Does your dick get harder too? ^_^

    2. KrispyK


      i better get more posts then

      this isnt very professional coming from admins :( quit cyber bullying me.

      il call trump and lucky...

  6. How it's been trying to find @McDili lately when you need something from him.





    1. ikiled
    2. DashTonic


      You find Jesse there too

    3. N7Zero


      idk about that @ikiled


      it looks like he is.. playing other games...

      Image result for suspicious meme

  7. Going outside today, wish me luck :D



    1. Daddy Fenwick

      Daddy Fenwick

      Its a tough world out there. Good luck!

  8. RIP Avicii mannnnnnnnn

  9. You gotta grind for that moneyyyy
  10. Y'all just about as educated as this guy:
  11. The raining bullets from the top of office building will be me and my mk200.
  12. Naw. Had to do it sooner or later.
  13. I had fun pissing people off and putting them in corners and endlessly searching through thousands of lines of logs to find shitters like [KS] duping on medic. I got real life shit to do now and I don't want to be spending my small amount of free time on doing tickets and other various administrator acts. Thanks to everyone who played with me from Jan 2015 till now making Olympus fun. Especially @Corporal Moob and all of the other OG MC members back in the day when I was always about to be kicked because of how shit I was at the game (still am). Peace
  14. New emote coming to a topic near you:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      -20000000 retard

    3. iPopsicle


      1 minute ago, caleb xD said:

      -20000000 retard


    4. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      how can i get a song on my account :thinking: 

  16. @Snare Hbd maybe I will drive down and give you a present ;)

    1. Savage


      staff memners doxing!1!!11!!1111!!1!!!11!!1

    2. Snare


      Haha thanks a lot my newhampshire homie

  17. "arch","arche" are why you can't say it. Probs cause someone didn't want people saying a long time ago.
  18. I am not sure if you made it home alive, but if you did Gratulerer med dagen you toxic viking.

    1. Strugglebus


      I halfway survived,

      thanks man, you a real one 

  19. I swear this fucking Monkey doesn't stop throwing shit.
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