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Status Updates posted by Snare

  1. @GummyCow

    Ayeeeeee happy bday boii!

  2. all of my bois are getting banned... :mellow:

    1. TheRandomOne


      They probably shouldn't have broken rules then

    2. Snare


      your right... was making a statement my dud. feelsrealbad tho.

  3. Now that i got 1000+ rep do I get a special title?

  4. symfuhny...



    ....what now???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 Rip
    3. SystemChips


      did something happen big daddy snare

    4. Snare


      NVM UNBAN :P 

      Lil Bill Got banned for scripting case your wondering

  5. Better way to fix texture bug would be to unload the textures and not try to reload them. whenever textures reload it re-bugs you before they load back in your fine.

    1. MrRonSwanson


      For me, the longer the fix has worked for has been 10 seconds. Other than that, 3-5 seconds before I am back to 1 frame.

  6. grats on the promotions bois @Trimorphious @Winters

  7. As much as I've had my up and downs with phizx THERE IS NO WAY HE HACKED IN MONEY...

    please lift it :P 

  8. apparently I'm supposed memorize the r&r handbook when I'm not even r&r...



  9. happy birthday

    @The Haunter

    he wont see it :( 

  10. ayyy luck duck with the sgt :):):) 

  11. I honestly have no idea how people are still making montages on this arma I never get a single fight. If I do it's against 2 retards and nothing tageable.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ham


      Stop shit-posting Bubbaloo. :KappaHD:

    3. Snare


      bubbaloo just because your not an admin anymore doesn't give you the right to run around spam posting and raining on peoples parades:Kappa:.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I will spam as much as I poop. I'm a "SHITTER" that's why :P 

  12. pilot helmets and range finders.

    Donation goal :P 

  13. New chief going to fix this bounty system????? :P @G.O.A.T.

    1. Snare


      haha remember how we were all complaining about how we couldn't take big bounties anymore 

  14. Is this facebook????

    1. platinumfire


      is this real life???

    2. Danger


      This is better than Facebook. The people of Olympus are the ones who really matter.

  15. @Corporal_moob

    The New Chief 
    Grats i remember when you were brownlisted. 

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I was never Brownlisted. Please and thank you sir.


    2. Snare


      yeah you were 


  16. found this on youtube 

    When the Tree squad went on the training server.



    Gone but not forgotten.@The Haunter

    @Everybody else who doesn't play anymore or I don't know your forum name

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snare


      ooooohhhhhh it's encore : p my bad.

    3. Fuzy


      Nah, it was Fuzzy's training server.

    4. Orgondo


      I wasn't there for that but fucking hell that shit don't surprise me


  17. they nerfed the ga with the update












    haha Goteeeemm



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snare


      :)@McDili haha yeah still 4 to the chest with csat hex and a ga 

  18. @Big B

    Happy Birthday to my first gang leader.:P 

     haha mems

    1. Augustus


      First olympus montage I ever watched 

    2. Big B

      Big B

      Thanks man :) went to the store and got a fat bottle of rum haha

  19. I don't know if we've already made a decision about the November donation goal but I was thinking Rangefinders would be cool as they are quite useful for ranging out non landmarks that its difficult to find on map. Granted mcdili should be able to decide considering he payed for it :P.

  20. i want to be free'd for gang wars so i can bring all the boys back to fight.

    -Rusty  2016

    Free my boy.

    1. SystemChips
    2. Phizx
    3. Rusty


      I need to be unbanned so me and the boys can make this gang wars lit as fuck

  21. I just found out today rusty got banned again.

    Speaking My Mind

    Rusty was one of my mentors. I have a lot of loyalty to the guy.

    Someone was mic spamming like a retard and he said he was going to ddos him. DID HE ACTUALLY DDOS HIM. NO.

    So why is he banned?

    Savage actually did ddos ham.

    Rusty did nothing.

    My opinions

    Guess Admins can make excuses to perm anyone they don't like.

    I know you will remove this post. I know you might give me a strike.

    I dont care. 

    Its stupid that people are banned for the community for dumb reasons. for example 3rip, Symfuhny, rusty once, and now rusty twice.

    a joke is a joke.

    An action is an action.




  22. Rip all these ~ retards.

    And RIP MILES imma miss roasting you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vincent Jacobs
    3. Snare


      @xrossfire did the post get removed haha someone will have to link it to me on ts

    4. asdasd123


      yeah it got removed 

      there is the YouTube vid and this will comment will probably get removed so watch it before it gets removed lol 

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