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Linka last won the day on December 13 2023

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About Linka

Legacy VIP
  • Birthday 02/06/2001

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  1. every time I frequent the forums there’s a post of some whining about vigi cooldowns or something and i instantly know it’s because of fredo

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ MAV  explain this? 


    3. MAV


      Can’t explain a situation I wasn’t part of.. looks like you were caught by cops then your boys attacked 2 POs while they were processing you and you were unrestrained due to excessive time in restraints?

    4. Mighty


      Thank you for your service @ Big Boss Fredo

  2. did he ever look at the comp request
  3. that fact you were able to say kys and not get forum moderated is a statement in itself of the change of staff bc I have like 5 forum suspensions from that acronym alone ur so cool dante I miss you
  4. hello yearly forum visit who do I talk to for a tag in ts that won’t get removed after 5 minutes (fuck @ Mako  and Jay idk his forum name) (also fuck @ Zahzi for removing my tag 4 years ago when I was running the among us arena but that’s just a grudge )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mako


      you can have the tag back after your sex change surgery pal

    3. Linka


      @ Mako please don’t tell people about it here i’m not ready 

    4. Linka


      @ Mako however ur saying there’s a chance?

  5. I’m your biggest hater and supporter mako. I can’t even enjoy this thread HATE ON MILLENNIUM AGAIN I WILL END YOU
  6. hey guys im planning a coup to become owner @ Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elements


      @ Grandma Gary  has owned the server since the start

    3. Linka


      @ Elements  back in 2014 @ Grandma Gary  said ill get the server when he dies, so in like a week or so that will probably take place

    4. Elements


      are u proposing to kill my lord and savior

  7. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Linka


      @ Panda :)  i’ve noticed a bad trend where gangs have been reforming and tarnishing their previous reputations, no no not my top tier gang of players!

    3. Leslie
    4. buckie
  8. @ -Shawn-  Hey i’m back is trident still active 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      yea man i pinged @ Rexo  in that discord a few months ago still waiting on a response

    3. Linka


      @ johnny goose i miss when we were best friends 

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

       @ Linka you have my discord man id give you my social if you asked

  9. @ Civak  I’ll play CS today if you and @ Zahzi respond to this good luck 

    1. Civak
    2. Horizon


      Zahzi don't want to play with you linka  ;\

    3. Linka


      @ Horizon  @ Zahzi tell him he’s wrong 

  10. kisses
  11. @ Ryan unban @ hawkg  right now or hatchbacks is taking the money from the PayPal

    1. Linka


      @ Parker R  what the hell man? I fight for the people. no one down voted when I was rooting for your unban. this is a crime. what the fuck man

    2. Tommy12


      Yeah we don't fuck with paRKER he skull fucks kids btw

  12. I have gotten my first stripe in jiu jitsu, @ johnny goose no one can touch you now .

    1. doubleueyeceekay


      gz i remember my first stripe, enjoy the high broqqer

    2. Linka


      @ doubleueyeceekay thank you! I am not letting it get to my head and still focusing on surviving and just gaining experience. i’m here for the journey 

  13. idk, I wouldn’t mess with @ johnny goose or his cousin.

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      dont get me started about his cousin richard moose. that dudes dangerous.

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