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Tom last won the day on November 15 2018

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  1. threatening you are going to quit playing this server is jokes when you record a 8 hour gameplay session
  2. Tom

    heres your pov buddy


  3. calling someone else an addict when they made a arma 3 private story on snapchat and there instagram had .ahk in the username. whatever helps you sleep at night boy
  4. Didn't synergy get 2-0'ed to tp? And didn't you play with synergy?
  5. Definitely one of the quicker gang wars I have ever played in and getting things on track so good job on that side of things. @ Doc @ DeadPool But the whole bihi situation and the admins coming in the channel acting like they are better than us and not even listening to us until Grandma Gary stepped in (only admin it seems with common sense) was a bit ridiculous. For the finals it shouldn't of only been OG, the way in the past is one team gets to chose the first two rounds and the other team gets to chose the other two rounds for the map selection. I don't think T3 vests should be allowed, T2 would of been fine. There needs to be a smoke blur like other most servers instead of the default smoke. We all know the default smoke is actually awful. https://gyazo.com/51c7d0d2446f9d9d8ccddde1b5e50cfa I dont even have time to react in that smoke. Overall I had a decent time considering the bihi drama.
  6. i see how it is pal
  7. 1e2b462ac38d63406eb178a3c7565560.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. RogueMK


      Hahahaha cake and 3rip lol 

    3. Snare


      Mory is 5 feet tall :lol:

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Snap. Add that to my cringe compilation. 

  8. TI irl podcast tonight. You don’t wanna miss this

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ronin


      can't wait to see tyler1 again

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      But im doing my podcast tonight . . . . You want in?


    4. HyperGoat


      35 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

      But im doing my podcast tonight . . . . You want in?


      trying to leech

  9. 0ec39a3ec239bd17c9672e117b6157d7.png

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      underrated meme/10

    2. swrvy
    3. codeYeTi


      1. I added that medic shit because I did it to cop last update and got mad I couldn't use it on medic. Kurt did most of the weapon changes this update.
        1. Took 0 seconds of Kurt's time
        2. So yea not really related at all.
      2. Did you talk to your civ reps about it?
        1. Prolly fuckin' not eh?
      3. If you think either of those things took much time to actually implement:
        1. https://www.ndss.org/
  10. 3ba018f09fa4cc796e899e58a53e6ed2.png

    1. Connor McGregor
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      15 minutes ago, Connor McGregor said:

      Looking good for Saturday guys! https://imgur.com/a/NCgiBL0

      NA hard carry 3 rip was not on those kills don’t count 

  11. NA TI vs EU TI saturday 3 pm est

    prize pool $100

    be there :) 

  12. Tom

    happy birthday steven :wub:

    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      Thank you Thomas my friend :wub:

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