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Civ Round Table 2019-08-04



Civ Roundtable


  • Allow a fed/BW to be started when a bank is active (this also helps prevents trolling) - APPROVED
  • Titan engagement rule update to remove the clause about gang engagement - APPROVED
  • Group tag system - option when creating a group to add an optional tag. Without any tag, groups will function as they do currently. With a group tag, names in the text list, above heads, etc will show up with tag prefixed - APPROVED

Feds Council

  • Server rule to require that gang tags must be at the beginning of their names (not in the middle, end, etc). Note that this doesn't force players to wear tags, just forces them to be in a consistent location. - APPROVED
  • Add fullscreen ENVG's (Special Purpose Helmet) to BW spawn table. The same thing as fullscreen NVG's, does have some armor value, same spawn rate as normal ENVGs - APPROVED
  • When claiming a vehicle, have the vehicle "repull" instead of storing. Currently, you can combat store a vehicle by claiming. - APPROVED
  • Change the ghosthawk rules at fed. Ghosthawks should only be automatically gun hot on illegal vehicles after bomb blows or after the civilians make no clear attempt to leave. - APPROVED
  • Remove vans from the APD during federal events - POSTPONED to see what happens with the hawk change, and other reasons

Scats Council

  • Fee for transferring illegal vehicles: 10% for illegal vehicle transfer, 400k for BW ground vehicles, 800k for BW aerial vehicles. Transfering ghosthawks, etc across the map should not be free - APPROVED
  • Move insurance at main air to be further from the hanger, delete the hanger next to pyrgos service station, and require helis to land in order to use the service station to repair with a 15 second progress bar. This is to prevent using the service station to “combat repair.” - APPROVED
  • Add starter pistol to gun store, with green and red flare, 5k for gun, 500 per flare mag. APPROVED

Runs Council

  • When turning in contraband, update bail price immediately instead of waiting a few minutes - APPROVED
  • Increase the range of giving items to be same of keychain now that it only shows group members (15m instead of 5m) - APPROVED

Cartels Council

  • Add long-barrel shotgun to rebel - APPROVED, but it will no longer be a taser when robbed from a cop
  • Allow spawning at a gangshed immediately after logging into the server (you currently have to respawn to see shed as a spawn option if you log in dead) - APPROVED

Vigi Council

  • Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED
  • Add Hummingbirds to all air shops, not just rebels - APPROVED

Bonus - Single-use revive item (defib). Costs 100k, weighs 10, takes 25% longer than an epipen. Cannot use on the same player more than once in a 30 minute period unless they respawn, get revived by a medic, or received medical attention at a hospital. Can be used on players that have died on dopamine, but they will have a dope timer after being revived.


APD Roundtable

  • Add 10-minute cooldown to bank robberies to prevent spam - APPROVED
  • Change to the 3 to 1 rules so the hostage-takers must announce that  a "3 to 1" is taking place for cop to be required to surrender - DENIED because any cop with common sense should know when they're 3 to 1'd
  • Add Blackfoot as an LT vehicle, remove Quilin, vans, jims, and a boat - POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af
  • Add Y-32 Xi'an as chief item -  POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af


Recommended Comments



  • Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED




1 minute ago, KGB JOSH said:
  • Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED


Even nuttier changes for vigi in 2 weeks, just you wait

Caleb Snackbar


Can we revise it to be the whole gang needs to have tag in same position rather than at start so they just all have to have it at end or at the front 

Seth M.


Wait, APD is getting blackfoots? They aren't armed right? What's the point in a blackfoot if it isn't armed....

  • Carrot Kid


7 minutes ago, Seth M. said:

Wait, APD is getting blackfoots? They aren't armed right? What's the point in a blackfoot if it isn't armed....

Wasn't approved yet, but they want it for the camera to use as an enhanced scouting heli. Hoping this won't get approved ever because shit like this has no place on an Altis life server



  • Like 6


yeh u use blackfoot, im using Dune ESP to scout you 10 clicks in the sky. :Kappa:




Add Blackfoot as an LT vehicle


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|REAL| Boing


20 hours ago, KGB JOSH said:
  • Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED


Maybe if people would stop using the gay ass "vigilantes make too much money" argument to deny every idea we come up with, things would be different. This is all we can get approved currently.

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  • Change to the 3 to 1 rules so the hostage-takers must announce that  a "3 to 1" is taking place for cop to be required to surrender - DENIED because any cop with common sense should know when they're 3 to 1'd

Please explain why this was denied



4 minutes ago, Rossco said:
  • Change to the 3 to 1 rules so the hostage-takers must announce that  a "3 to 1" is taking place for cop to be required to surrender - DENIED because any cop with common sense should know when they're 3 to 1'd

Please explain why this was denied

Because when a cop is outnumbered and engaged they should put their hands up in order to value their life, no matter the intent.



Just now, Bloodmoon said:

Because when a cop is outnumbered and engaged they should put their hands up in order to value their life, no matter the intent.

So now I'm meant to surrender anytime I see three people I'm engaged with 



Just now, Rossco said:

So now I'm meant to surrender anytime I see three people I'm engaged with 

3-1 rules are still the same.



1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:

3-1 rules are still the same.

I've never been 3-1 by people saying hands up or die, that just doesn't make sense :huh:

Your first instinct when someone says hand up or die is to shoot the person saying it, not look around and make sure there aren't 2 other people with them... That's why being required to say 3-1 would make the cop look around and make sure there is indeed 3 people with guns trying to rob them.

  • Like 3
  • Carrot Kid


8 minutes ago, Rossco said:

I've never been 3-1 by people saying hands up or die, that just doesn't make sense :huh:

Your first instinct when someone says hand up or die is to shoot the person saying it, not look around and make sure there aren't 2 other people with them... That's why being required to say 3-1 would make the cop look around and make sure there is indeed 3 people with guns trying to rob them.

When I'm on cop, my first instinct is to evaluate if I'm immediately outnumbered and at a tactical disadvantage. It's almost always extremely obvious given the swarm of people in your face with guns. It doesn't take much to stop moving for a fraction of a second and alt look around before shooting.


12 minutes ago, Rossco said:

So now I'm meant to surrender anytime I see three people I'm engaged with 

  1. APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules.

Nothing has changed.



2 hours ago, Rossco said:

I've never been 3-1 by people saying hands up or die, that just doesn't make sense :huh:

Your first instinct when someone says hand up or die is to shoot the person saying it, not look around and make sure there aren't 2 other people with them... That's why being required to say 3-1 would make the cop look around and make sure there is indeed 3 people with guns trying to rob them.

Nothing of the rule actually changed as it stands from before. Just continue as usual.

Connor McGregor


Whats the point in doing these anymore, stuff from 5-6 months ago still aren't added...

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