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Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

i win


Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement. I added some reasoning/flavor text for each idea this time around, hopefully you can see what we were thinking.


  • Add the ability to see the highest medic rank currently online @Unjo
    • It really sucks to not be able to tell if it's just EMT's online and you're dead in a redzone waiting for 15mins because they can't enter.
  • Add the ability to change group passwords from the group menu UI @thor
    • Re-creating a large group when you want to exclude/kick a player is very frustrating.


  • Add the Vermin to WPL as a cheaper, decent weapon for newer players. @Millennium
    • Price will be 30-40k.
  • Remove the gun requirement for unrestraining via the windows key menu @Hunter
    • You can already do this if you select your Lockpicks manually from the Y menu, this is just a QoL change.
  • Allow APD hatchbacks (non AHP) to be claimable by civilians @Mr Majestic
    • The APD can currently seize our APD vandal hatchbacks for no reason other than roleplay, so we'd like to provide a roleplay reason for this.
    • Any APD hatchback would have the APD vandal hatchback skin once claimed by the civilian.
    • When the APD seizes the APD vandal hatchback from a civilian, they would be claiming that vehicle (it would go into that officers garage and return to being a normal APD hatchback).
    • This is a fun, mini-game type interaction between civilians and the APD.
    • APD vandal hatchback would no longer be purchasable at the rebel shop and the only way you can get this skin would be through claiming.
  • Public Urination charge for roleplay purposes for when we can piss next update @Mr Majestic
    • Like a 2.5k charge.
    • Doesn't give probable cause, etc.


  • Move the salvage location in the Pygros Bay somewhere there isn't a rebel destroyer @ACursedMyth


  • Vigilante rank storage option - Alts shouldn't feel like a requirement to play a role for fun @Mr Majestic
    • Currently the vigilante role is extremely limiting and severely punishes your play time if you want to switch between a Vigi and a Rebel unless you have an alt. It takes many tens of hours to reach a high vigilante rank, and if you ever give it up you start from nothing.
    • We're adding an option to "store/save" your current Vigilante rank/arrests in exchange for money, or for free if you don't mind being reduced by a whole vigilante tier.
      • This will cost 750k per vigilante level stored.
    • If the Vigilante is currently wanted they wouldn't be able to store their rank until they become innocent (stopping abusive vigilantes just yeeting past the APD).
    • Most high tier Vigilante players currently use an alt account just so they can switch between both play styles. This new option would provides both convenience and a money sink (incentive not to use this too often).
    • Example: You're tier 3 and want to store your arrests/tier/license because your gang is doing a bank and you want to help. You walk upto the Vigilante NPC and select "store license", you'll get a prompt telling you it will cost 2.25m to store tier 3 or you can store tier 2 for free. You pay and there you go, you can pick your license back up later when you're innocent again.
  • Vigilante tier gear tweaks - Vigilante takes too long to become fun and enjoyable with the current tiers @Mr Majestic
    • Tier 1, 0 arrests - PO7 (no change)
    • Tier 2, 25 arrests - Sting
    • Tier 3, 50 arrests - level 3 vest
    • Tier 4, 100 arrests - SPAR-16 (no change)
    • Tier 5, 200 arrests - SPAR-16s (no change)
    • The .45 ACP is hot garbage when compared to the PO7.
    • Getting to 50 arrests with the PO7 currently is frankly insane, Sting will make this feel like a better progression.
    • No money changes for each rank, that's staying the same.


  • Pharmas only able to be started if you're carrying a 5.56mm or higher calibre weapon @Jig
    • Allowing Dave the Rookbanger to spawn a vehicle into the hands of the APD was a bit too easy.
  • Lower the Pharma vehicle spawn time by 30seconds
    • With the new location the APD can sometimes respond a bit too quickly to the Pharma, this should allow more vehicles to get some distance before the chase begins.
  • Increase federal event gold spawn amounts, from 200 to 400
    • Higher amounts of gold will spawn based on number of APD online.
    • Weight of gold bar also decreased from 8 to 6.
  • Blackwater bomb timer reduced to 20minutes from 25minutes
    • We're testing this and just seeing what happens to the win rate. It can't really go down from 0% so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Bank money bags will no longer be able to stored inside ariel vehicles, the weight is increased to 6, and total spawned reduced to 75 per vault.
    • We had this huge discussion and both the APD and Civilians Council had different opinions on how to fix the bank. In the end we agreed, and the change was simple.
    • Now civilians can be chased out of the bank on the ground instead of them camping on the roof/leaving with Orcas, etc.


  • Allow speedbombs to be attached to helicopters @Hylos
    • Speedbombs are fun, yet another money sink and we get to see stuff go boom.

Staff Roundtable

  • Tased players will have a spangle animation and take damage while tased @Mako
    • Just an animation, you basically fall to the ground like you're dead, but you're not dead.
  • Add short barrel P90 to black market shop @NokiaStrong
  • Allow loading of vehicles into HEMTT transport / mohawk @Mako
    • Medics have this and it looks fun, so we want it too.


You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:



Recommended Comments

10 minutes ago, Ribsboy2 said:

No more solo naked pharmas for a free 400k? Lame! I'm gonna miss the free money I would get by trolling the cops when I'm innocent with no gun

One day I like to think I'll be able to make the great Ribsboy2 happy in a roundtable thread.

  • Haha 2
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3 minutes ago, Mr Majestic said:

One day I like to think I'll be able to make the great Ribsboy2 happy in a roundtable thread.

When I'm happy I don't comment. Lol

10 minutes ago, MHG said:

When I'm happy I don't comment. Lol

In other news, I finally changed my name on this website to my Arma name. Now everyone knows who to target in game

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