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Civilian Representative

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Roundtable Summary 2020-05-30



Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement.


  • Move Neochori vigi south of oil trader (https://imgur.com/a/sVUzHfB) @Silton


  • Change current heroin cap back to house until a better cap is made that doesn't freeze your game @Truthy
  • If you're inside of a conquest zone and die to yourself or a bug you can spawn at conquest rebels, you must have a gun. @silver


  • If a player with a GPS becomes restrained, a marker will be placed on the map to show where they were "last seen". Only your group members/gang members would be able to see it; almost the same as the death marker. @GoonThe13Yearold
  • Remove vehicles that have been sitting on a spawn point for 1 minute. @GoonThe13Yearold
    • Annoying to have cars on spawn that get stuck there for a restart or until medic comes


  • Include the max and minimum price for each run item in the Y menu below the current price @TheHeroNoob
  • Add Plane DP mission titles @Mason Harrison @TheHeroNoob
    • Flying Ace - 25
    • Captain of the Clouds - 50
    • Barry Seal - 100


  • Allow bolt cutters to break restrained players out of handcuffs. Reduce time to unrestrain players in handcuffs while using bolt cutters by 25%. @duanty_lake_23
    • Increase price of bolt cutter to 5k.
    • Adds another usage to bolt cutters, can be lost every time you die. 
  • Add markers where bones spawn when a player combat logs.  @haleychu
    • Allows players to find bones easier and helps all players find bones when the restrained player combat logs in a heli.  
    • Mark where bones are placed for the person who last touched them/restrained them.

APD Roundtable


  • PDW2000 to Deputy (hgun_PDW2000_Holo_F)
  • Ability to change hex icons from current rank--> lower
    • (ex: SGT can do SGT-->CORP-->PO-->DEP)  to clarify, SGT+ able to do this
    • Active sAPD only 
    • In public channels only
    • Must only be used to perform undercover duties
  • More bait vehicles and variants of them i.e. HEMTT Box, Transport, Tempest Transport etc...
  • More undercover vehicle variants Offroad (Comms, Covered, Norm), Jeeps
  • Y Menu option to disable "Load Lethals"
    • Crowded scroll menu when trying to do most activities, doesn't completely disable lethals as you can still use the custom keybind to toggle lethals


  • Scout plane rule change, exception added.
    • Exceptions:
    • During 100% certainty of high gang activity a scout plane is allowed to be pulled, Warzone does not get affected
  • P90 to Corporal+
    • When it was released it was overhyped and isn't even comparable to a Type115 or Spar-16S

R&R Roundtable

  • Add SDV (click) to help with water rescue
    • aimed to help with rescue of civilians who fall off boats into deep water
    • currently civilians could request 10+ times if they have no re-breather and swim slow
    • example of use: rebel with normal land kit dies off side of carrier -> gets revived -> gets in SDV-> SDV acts as patient transport to surface/ shallow water area
    • no skin needed
    • eliminates medics making ridiculous off one revive call due to repeated drowning deaths
  • Add Blue Wave do-rag (bandanna) for S&R+
    • LC rank 4+
  • Add infinite use to medic tool kits
    • charge medic each use ($1,000+ charged to medic) per use to keep "money sink"
  • RnR Go-Karts for staff+ 
    • LC rank 5+
  • RnR Flare Guns for staff+
    • LC rank 5+
    • May be used as a tool of RP
    • Cannot be fired at players/ used irresponsibly etc.
  • Change Director rank title to "Dr. Squatch"

Staff RoundTable


  • Ability to own gas stations for a server restart. Would cost between 50k and 250k depending on the location of the gas station. 
    • Would allow the owner to receive 50% in profits off of the total amount of items sold. 
    • If the gas station is robbed, then you lose the money. Allows for a money dump but also a good chance of making money.
  • More robbery type events around the map. These need to be tweaked and flushed out, but overall I like the concept of this.
    • Think of these as "buffed" gas station robberies, that have more risk but more rewards. Small events and things around the map to make money.
    • These all make the server more fun and are meant for newer players and act stepping stones to federal events.
    • Few possibilities
      • Drug Smuggler Event
        • Boat with drugs that is driving towards the island with some sort of NPC.
        • Cops and civs can fight over it to get the drugs
        • Small amount of money, 500k to 1 mil
        • Passive event that happens at certain intervals, i.e. every hour
        • Encourages naval warfare and another fun way to make money
      • Art Gallery Robbery
        • Basically robbing paintings from a place
        • Different timers depending on the price of painting
        • These can be sold for money
      • House robberies
        • You are able to break down the door of some houses around the map
        • Have to use a crowbar or some sort of special item that differentiates breaking down doors form robbing
        • Once you have broken a door with a crowbar a crate spawns with some drugs or maybe salvage stuff in it.
        • Not too much money, again just another gas station robbery type event.

These are just preliminary ideas, but I think the server definitely needs some more interactive events to do around the map.


  • Progressive title system that leads to 25% chance of car alarm not sounding when planting speed bomb
  • Replace Armed Prowler with AT Jeep for BW Loot pool
    • Getting an "upgraded" .50cal from BW is a little disheartening for people completing them and a boom jeep would be refreshing to see cruising through Kavala
  • Armed Prowler added to Rebel Vehicle shops
    • 1.75M
    • 1M more than the Offroad it has a slower max speed but more armor and a secondary LMG(SPMG).
  • Armed Qilin price reduced from 2M to 1.25M
    • It isn't worth 2M when you can buy a .50 for less than half the price and perform better in every way.
  • Change the amount of money you get from bank depending on the amount of cops and ranks of cops.
    • You should not be rewarded for winning a bank vs. non lethals as much as winning against lethals.


You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:


Recommended Comments



Give corp t3, there is literally no difference between a t2 when it comes to fighting on Olympus, yall just don't want it to happen just to spite sapd.

  • Like 5
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  • Downvote 5


RnR Go-Karts for staff+

change this to all RnR right now

  • Kappa 1


58 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

Give corp t3, there is literally no difference between a t2 when it comes to fighting on Olympus, yall just don't want it to happen just to spite sapd.

no difference? suck my cock cunt so many corps and if they all have type t3 thats FUCKED



3 minutes ago, Silton said:

no difference? suck my cock cunt so many corps and if they all have type t3 thats FUCKED

Only time t3 makes a difference is when you're fighting from far away, most fights on olympus are cqc and both vests take the same amount of shots until you start shooting from long range.



1 minute ago, Skateezy said:


The bone marker idea is phenomenal.

Yeah man I agree, same with a master toolkit and moving vigi instead of removing it 🙂



4 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

Give corp t3, there is literally no difference between a t2 when it comes to fighting on Olympus, yall just don't want it to happen just to spite sapd.

There is a very slight difference in terms of higher caliber weapons like 7.62 and 6.5 at long distance. There is a significant different in terms of lower calibers though. Not all rebels use an mk1.

There are also a lot of active APD Corporals now.

  • Like 2


1 hour ago, Noahhh! said:

There is a very slight difference in terms of higher caliber weapons like 7.62 and 6.5 at long distance. There is a significant different in terms of lower calibers though. Not all rebels use an mk1.

No one fights cops at long distances.

1 hour ago, Noahhh! said:

There are also a lot of active APD Corporals now.

A lot of corporals? Yes. Active corporals? No. Regardless the vest provides virtually zero more protections to a cop unless they are fighting at a long distance, even then that protection is only a very small increase.



2 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

A lot of corporals? Yes. Active corporals? No. Regardless the vest provides virtually zero more protections to a cop unless they are fighting at a long distance, even then that protection is only a very small increase.

The only reason you want it is for fashion so why would we hurt new/inexperienced players for 33 players to look good.

  • Like 1


13 minutes ago, SuWooP said:

The only reason you want it is for fashion so why would we hurt new/inexperienced players for 33 players to look good.


2 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

No one fights cops at long distances.




2 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

No one fights cops at long distances.

A lot of corporals? Yes. Active corporals? No. Regardless the vest provides virtually zero more protections to a cop unless they are fighting at a long distance, even then that protection is only a very small increase.

9mm t3- 5 bullets t2-3 bullets

  • Like 1


3 minutes ago, SuWooP said:

9mm t3- 5 bullets t2-3 bullets

Actually, its t3 - 4 bullets, t2 - 3 bullets. I hope that's not your only argument, cause that is grasping at straws.



1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:

Actually, its t3 - 4 bullets, t2 - 3 bullets. I hope that's not your only argument, cause that is grasping at straws.

Its a bullet difference for shitty 6.5 and below

  • Like 1


Just now, SuWooP said:

Its a bullet difference for shitty 6.5 and below

Lets see the tests then. 


Posted (edited)

Can we get the armed quilin & armed prowler added as warpoints as-well? More stuff to use wp's for


and bring down the price of type 50 cal mags from 20 to 10. Might bring more variation to people using mk1's.

Edited by Chicken Dinner


1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:

ETA? @SuWooP

Do them yourself if you don't believe me



Just now, SuWooP said:

Do them yourself if you don't believe me

You're the one claiming that the t3 changes combat so much, burden of truth falls on you. I hope yall haven't been arguing about t3's without documenting any testing lmao.

LULA 2022 - PT 13


1 hour ago, Bloodmoon said:

You're the one claiming that the t3 changes combat so much, burden of truth falls on you. I hope yall haven't been arguing about t3's without documenting any testing lmao.

I ran a test @100m in the editor a while ago.

It takes one more shot of 6.5 from a standard MX and 2 more shots from a sting, negligible at the distance most engagements happen on Olympus.



  • Allow bolt cutters to break restrained players out of handcuffs. Reduce time to unrestrain players in handcuffs while using bolt cutters by 25%. @duanty_lake_23
    • Increase price of bolt cutter to 5k.
    • Adds another usage to bolt cutters, can be lost every time you die. 
  • 100% gonna be used so vigi Alts can let there butt buddy’s go after the cops get roached by S and RDMers
    If a player with a GPS becomes restrained, a marker will be placed on the map to show where they were "last seen". Only your group members/gang members would be able to see it; almost the same as the death marker. @GoonThe13Yearold
  • Or you could just pay attention to your gang members being a skat is a art just letting them be lazy now. 
  • This is a shit game. 
  • Haha 1

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