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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Sho

  1. any1 want to play warzone

  2. a7120db77736a5c6c8b6f846078b38c8.pngf75cdce32a19902a8a31913cd1f1aeda.png

    1. Millennium


      Shit man. buy @sped this and Im sure he will wear it :Kappa:

    2. sped


      ill have the full chrisgg apparel 

      juul + shirt + slippers

  3. Happy birthday @Zurph

  4. If we receive hacked money should we not spend money at all until it gets sorted out or just not spend ridiculous amounts? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NexIV


      If the servers gonna get rolled back, have some fun with it and spend it all lmao.

    3. eggmasta


      @Nex is the name well if we can help it, they dont get rolled back, so unless you wanna catch a ban, id suggest you not spend it

    4. Mercury


      4 hours ago, Eggman said:

      @Nex is the name well if we can help it, they dont get rolled back, so unless you wanna catch a ban, id suggest you not spend it


    1. DeadPool
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. 

      Thank you for the report.

    3. djdarkmunk


      back in 2016 when this was the only civ ghost hawk just out to spook some folks 

  5. after hour of trying to join the server and deleting files, all i had to do was restart my computer


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Google


      Restarting your computer is always the first attempt to fix something, just make sure to do that first next time lol.

    3. Metal
    4. gaz
  6. why cant I join the servers


    1. Bloodmoon


      I have the same issue, I can join every other server except olympus, I'm verifying files right now.

    2. DeadPool


      If you are having trouble loading into the serer Delete your mission file and try again.

  7. @Zahzi Happy birthday

  8. Happy Mar10 day

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. destruct


      6 minutes ago, drama said:

      am confuse

    3. drama


      13 minutes ago, destruct said:

      am confuse


    4. destruct


      1 minute ago, drama said:


      OH I get it now. Get rekt

  9. 2aea5c1b885767fc2044575fc14a1758.jpg

    1. RubberDuck


      I mean, Im more of an incognito man myself

  10. Well deserved buddy @Soulz

  11. @Tb:) eta shaved head?

    1. Airdrip


      I'm in TS awaiting an interview!

  12. Happy birthday @Hylos

    1. Hylos


      Thanks man appreciate it :D

  13. Superbowl viewing party? 

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