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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. Many of you will have noticed that I rarely play Arma anymore as well as I have lost my cop rank. That's due to me starting EMT Training soon and working 60 hour+ workweeks and picking up shifts when I can to pay for it, as it is quite expensive. Not gonna give any real shoutouts since I'll be back, just an update for anyone who gives a shit. Shoutout to @Fushigi for being super generous and giving me a few extra weeks on the APD to hit my times, I greatly appreciated that even though in the end I was unable to keep my rank due to my inactivity. Shoutout to @G.O.A.T., Regardless of what you think of him or what he may or may have done you cannot deny that the APD flourished under his command and he was dedicated to the APD more than anything. Best chief I've ever served under. o7 To anyone sad they didn't get a shoutout, I didn't really plan to do any since I'll be around on steam and in a few TS3's, hmu. See you all in 10-12 weeks!
  2. Easy fix. https://www.g2a.com/arma-3-steam-key-global-i10000043093018
  3. @G.O.A.T. for being the best chief I've ever served under and for being the 20,000th post on the forums.


  4. Reschedule that to Monday and you got a shooter
  5. US Police> Mounties.
  6. @TheCmdrRex Help this man and make his business official please @Heinz Gormittz



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Yes you are Ignis damnit! Here I'll open up a message chat with all the admins and convince you guys once and for all.

    3. proud


      Don't spawn in money, spawn in gear ;)

    4. Savage


      @Ignis spawn me in my will to live pls :(;)

  7. Sociopathic


    I posted that in August of last year. Did you just bump my bump of a necropost?
  8. So you have bloody crypto currencies now but I still can't invest in rubles? Smh
  9. @Falcon

    Throwback :Kappa:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sociopathic


      Nah, Grandma Gary already told me he'd perm me if I ever reported it. ;) 

    3. falcon



    4. iPopsicle
  10. I've finally enrolled into my EMT Training for the low low cost of $1,180


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Armalisk


      Don't forget to study the handbook ekksdee

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Hope you don’t turn out like Tman

    4. Ham


      What happened to Tman? 

  11. q7fsUFM.jpg




    Still fucking pending.

    1. Majed
    2. Sociopathic


      Don't worry Majed. Still pending.



    1. DeadPool


      why the hell would you shoot a gun like that?

    2. Savage


      hes doing the mcree but he doesnt own a revolver so hes making it work

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Uh oh. He bump-fired an H&K USP. The ATF might ban his fingers for increasing the rate of fire.

  13. You need to outnumber a cop in a 3:1 ratio to force him to surrender if he isn't in a tactically advantageous position, or tase him and have 3 people with primary weapons out pointing at him, then windows key with zip ties to restrain him. Vigilantes also can't restrain cops.

    1. DeadPool


      pretty sure I saw a kid cutting him self in the crowd 

  15. Steam is definitely an interesting place to find out one of your online friends died.

    Sgt. Ron Yitzhak Kokia, 19, of Tel Aviv, was stabbed to death on Thursday (30 November 2017) in a terrorist attack while waiting at a bus station adjacent to a local mall in the southern Israeli city of Arad.

    His assailant stabbed him multiple times and fled the scene. Kokia was able to stumble outside to look for help before collapsing on the road nearby. A driver passing by stopped to help him and called the paramedics who were unble to save his life.

    A soldier in the Nahal Brigade whose home base is located just outside Arad, Ron was posthumously promoted to sergeant. He was laid to rest on Sunday (3 December 2017) in  the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery in Tel Aviv.

    1. PoptartRex


      Was this a different online friend or someone related to olympus? @Sociopathic

    2. Sociopathic


      Not related to Olympus. @TheCmdrRex

      They called it a terrorist attack because they had extremist motives. They stole his rifle and planned to use it in further attacks. @McDili

  16. Shoulda read the fine print.
  17. I shit you not, I saw Escort Mission and I thought of actual escorts and about tagging you.
  18. How not to use TeamSpeak Mass Mover


    1. proud


      I don't see anything wrong here.

    2. Ryan


      So basically your telling me there was a party that I missed

    3. Sociopathic
  19. My work computer has an i7-4790 and we use it to watch security cameras and print off parking violation tickets. 

    1. BENJI


      I would take it :ph34r:

  20. The US' goal in the Vietnam War was to prevent the communist north from invading the democratic South. They succeeded Only issue was after the US pulled out they went back on their word to provide military aid so 2 years later the north captured the south.
  21. How's everyone been? 

    I've missed a lot

    Congrats to @Falcon on SGT

    Congrats to @Dante Fleury on LT

    And Congrats to @TheCmdrRex on Dep. Cheif

    And to @McDili for some Coup d'etat 

    1. proud


      U forgot about @OutCast Lt.

    2. Sociopathic


      Who said I forgot? :Kappa:


      Jk, congrats @OutCast

  22. Apartment still an indoor pool, feelsbadman

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Did you get your PC out or is everything a complete loss?

    2. Sociopathic


      All the electronics were saved fortunately.

    3. Sociopathic


      nah, just a fuckboi waterline

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