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Everything posted by JebronLames

  1. as much as I loved shit talking to you, happy birthday

  2. it was out of your hands, you couldn't have done anything about it who are you and what have you done to buckie
  3. was going to say happy birthday but then I clicked on your profile and heard the song. fuck you.

  4. it looks more like anus than a ump
  5. grandma gary eats duh poopoo:(
  6. any gang that got a spot for gw hmu

    1. N7Zero
    2. Ludde


      Roster full already and I submitted it already

  7. omg welcome back I missed you for the 4 hours that you didn't make any suggestions
  8. any physics teachers here that wants to teach me gravitational and celestial mechanics

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Did you know, if you drop an apple it hits the ground? #Physics

    3. JebronLames


      48 minutes ago, Lucki said:

      What level are we talking here? High school, college? Like is this Kepler's law stuff or further?

      High school, senior level. Kepler's law, potential energy, gravitational fields, that kind of stuff

      also I thought you were a biology teacher? xD

      43 minutes ago, Ignis said:

      Did you know, if you drop an apple it hits the ground? #Physics

      had no idea, but I'm pretty sure that's chemistry

    4. Lucki


      1 minute ago, JebronLames said:

      also I thought you were a biology teacher? xD

      No thank you. One of my degrees is biophysics, but physics is my forte.

  9. tbh I prefer the mk18 when I use the mk1 and I prefer the mk1 when I use the mk18
  10. how about an ifrit skin made just for (and available only to) the gang wars winners that gets replaced every gw? it would have the gang name and stuff that would be pretty cool

    1. Bubbles
    2. Haze


      2 gang wars ago Peter promised that Complexity would get their own ingame Clothing. R.I.P.

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @Haze I was told that complexity disbanded before the textures were made for it.

      +1 on this idea.

  11. why. the fuck. my pp hard. and also why is dominic not a lieutenant

  12. stop this
  13. unless that money is duped don't do it
  14. ass or tiddy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      All about that B O O T Y

    3. DeadPool


      Depends if she got a phat ass then ass but if the tities can carry the assses weight then tiddies

    4. Armalisk
    1. iPopsicle


      Cause the pooper that gave him the senior apd tag is a pooper

    2. JebronLames


      2 hours ago, Ignis said:

      Cause the pooper that gave him the senior apd tag is a pooper

      u are toxic

  15. 314 assassin's creed origins
  16. @Piotrus maybe theres hope for you
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