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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Plumber

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086814779/
  2. Hadi learned from somebody. Duh
  3. No pressure but if I don't win then expect a package to your house.
  4. Fear not my child. We will simply make a new plan. Except we won't be so kind on the next one. It shall be a genocide! You ever saw the Saw movies? Who do you think gave them those ideas? I will literally kill you
  5. Unfortunately so. Seems both you and me were forced into bad positions.
  6. Well it's that time. Going 5 years on Olympus and almost 3 of them being on staff. Time for me to take a step back. There's reasons for the step down and it is what it is but I see no point in grinding tickets week after week. It's been a fun time with some fun people. I know some of you may have some bad opinions of staff especially if you have a one sided mind but I can promise you they do everything they can with the tools they have. Sometimes things on Olympus can get hectic and they work their asses off trying to fix any problem that comes up. I'm not too big on the tagged people because that's just too much typing especially when I'm still going to be around. I've made some good friends on here and have had some of the best times playing Arma and other games with all of them. Again I'll still be around. I don't plan on going anywhere so I'll help out anyway I can. Always up to play shit so you just gotta drop me a message and I'll be down. Due to the my work schedule I'm usually on in the mornings and then late a nights. Don't run with scissors. Drink milk. And wear your seatbelt. Just remember. All of you can eat a dick. Much love.....and hate. Plumber
  7. And the toxicity is real. For your information you ass I am level 8 special. Level 7 was last year you big dumb.
  8. Great. Literally sabotages the server so he can fix it to get promoted. What idiot would promote @TheCmdrRex? Is this how we die? :P

  9. Hey owner you know you're not fit for the community right?. You're asking people to take time out of their day to hack the servers (which is hilarious by the way). I'm a simple minded person so I only see it from my perspective. I don't try and see the behind the scenes. I just judge and continue to complain even though the labor put in attempts to stop it is more than most people would do. Even though half the people complaining are scriptors and have ruined the game play for other people themselves. But as my simple minded self said. It's you owner. It's your fault the servers are behind hacked.


    Sound stupid? So do I. You all need to chill. How about expanding your horizons a bit and stop sounding stupid. You refuse to acknowledge the fact that Ares and the staff are doing what they can. A few people who don't go outside have dedicated all their free time to hack the servers because in the end they were raised in a basement and have never felt the outside air. Ares and the devs are busting their asses so how bout while you're watching your Veggie Tale move you attempt to stop being so simple minded and take the time to realize the effort being made.



    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      No offense @Plumber, but I know Civak would pass the Corporal Test. Both y’all need to chill tho

    3. buckie


      yall are fucking aids i respond to this once and get 30+ messages while im trying to sleep some of yall needa take a page outta my book and smash ur keyboard until it doesnt work. ty

    4. Viper


      Who else thought they were going forum famous until they read this shit post. 

  10. A Division 2 clan had been made. Called Olympus APD. @Pledge is leader / maker with myself and Hylos as the LTs. If you want to join hit us up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plumber


      6 minutes ago, TheoryB said:

      is the game worth it for 60?

      I think it is. It's better than the first one. I'm enjoying it.

    3. CocoisDead
    4. Plumber


      8 hours ago, CocoisDead said:

      Can i join :) 

      Yeah. Anybody can. Just message me your origins name and once I accept you I'll invite

  11. @Tree

    The staff will have to respectfully deny this request because we don't give a fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. drama


      That’s not going to go over well when peter sells the server to @Bojo

    3. SPBojo


      1 hour ago, drama said:

      That’s not going to go over well when peter sells the server to @Bojo


  12. PSA: @Kyle Lake Once snuck into a locker room to snap pictures to post online. Was later arrested once authorities found the pictures online were the 8th grade boys wrestling team. 

  13. PSA: @Ignis once got caught with his pants down trying to screw a 2003 red mustang he called Steve. 

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Did he send a photo of it to the snap group?

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Steve was only a boy

    3. iPopsicle


      I thought it was Lightning McQueen D:

  14. If you haven't yet. Get Origins Premier and download the new Anthem game. Can confirm it's fantastic. Pretty happy with how this game turned out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plumber


      2 minutes ago, Vis said:

      I am thinking of getting it, does it run well on your system? How good of a system you need? How should I get it, buy it or with the origins crap?

      It takes a good system to run it because it's such a big game with so much going on. But it's better to just get Premier Origins. The game itself when it releases on the 22nd alone will be $75. You can get Premier for a monthy and try it out or just get Premier for a year because it cost $100 but you'll basically be getting your money back. Not to mention all the games you get like battlefield, battle front, and assassins creed just for having premier.

    3. Vis



      Lets see if EA will fail me once more

    4. Plumber


      3 minutes ago, Vis said:


      Lets see if EA will fail me once more

      Add me and Eggman on it. The more people you have as friends that play it the more all of you contribute to your alliance which puts more coins into it. You spend those coins to get better gear. ThePlumber93 is my Origins name

  15. I mean I personally wouldn't care. Bbuutttt you know how it is on here so probably not a good idea
  16. You have barely 1700 minutes on the server and in that short time frame of you being here you've already managed to get banned twice in a period of a week in a half. So before you decided to make a post like this how bout making sure you're in check first. As for the shit you're excusing him of I'm not going to take a word of someone who obviously doesn't know or want to follow the rules to go on a rant pointing fingers at the owner. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't even be playing on these servers so how bout piping down and correct yourself before you decide to go on a rant. If something goes wrong he attempts to make it right by comping someone more then they would usually get. And he has the power to instantly revive them. Again see if you can go two weeks without getting banned. If you can then maybe come back and go on a rant
  17. Oh god no. RIP all bunnies
  18. Most probably saw this coming. Some did not. This marks my end on the APD. Been apart of the APD for bout 3 years straight. Watched the APD develop and was always happy to be apart of it. Despite some of your opinions I can tell you personally that the SAPD have never had anything less then the best interests. I won’t bother with all the O7s because today everyone’s getting them. I’ll still be on Olympus and the plan on assisting the APD whenever they need help. It was fun playing with you all on the APD. I’ve been a SAPD member for a long time now and have enjoyed watching a lot of you develop into great leaders. I am not worried what so ever because I know the SAPD will continue to make the APD thrive. Don’t run with scissors. Drink milk. And always wear your seat belt.
  19. @Ryan I don't think people like you. Well guess I'll join in. Eat shit

    1. Ryan


      That’s the nicest thing you said to me :wub: <3

  20. How about everyone stop jabbing at each other and aim all your frustration @Kyle Lake. He's the real perpetrator here. 

  21. :1009168706_Screenshot(7):WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plumber


      @N7Zero yeah he was paid on his stream to put shit on his face from his daughters diaper. It was completely disgusting but he got good money for it 

    3. N7Zero
    4. Talindor



      These eyes,.....cannot unsee what I saw.....

  22. Yeah phase 1 of my plan is now completed with the help of @Mercury So now I've executed the second part of my plan.
  23. @Mercury Phase 1 complete.

    Execute phase 2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BENJI


      Execute Order 66

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Merc can’t even sink a boat. Nothing to worry about guys.


    4. Mercury


      @John Wayne I sunk 1 in the last week :P 

  24. Have to rule with an Iron Fist
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