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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. @ Ryan imagine google piggybacking off of your money farm! The nerve! He should have to watch a video showing how to properly warning shot a heli. Sheeeeesh
  2. o7, hope you have a nice life!
  3. @ Dante @ xDRO Obvious Tower Lag.
  4. could turn ghost hotel into a pretty sick resort town
  5. @ Headless

    Remember when you called me a hillbilly fuck? Saw this and thought of you!


    1. Waddles


      Ever think that you are? 


    2. Rafa


      @ Lorax aint no twisted tea Christmas tree but it’ll do 

    3. Creepy


      (for the record I was shit faced on a porch in Tennessee off of homebrewed moonshine.. so not wrong)

  6. still retards, just the wrong group of retards
  7. I highly recommend the Pixel 6. Very good.

    1. CocoisDead


      I got some good deals on the phone just for you! 

    2. Joce


      LG V60 is where its at, but anything is better than being handcuffed in apple's ecosystem.

    3. Lucien


      Im probably gonna get a 6, but as a wise man once told me "bitches love facetime" so I might switch back to apple.

  8. Ah, yes. Another straight white male trying to buy my love. I didn't say it doesn't work
  9. Kyle Rittenhouse getting that big APD pardon

  10. Thanks to everyone that participated in the Kavala Olympics tonight! It was a ton of fun and we had some big winners!

    We'll do it again soon!

    @ Kamikaze  @ xDRO  @ NokiaStrong  

  11. Be on the lookout for the Kavala Olympics, brought to you by Blackwater Inc!

    9PM EST

    Winner of each event will receive $1MILLION OLYMPUS

    Events will Include:
    Fastest Lockpick
    Demolition Derby
    Last Man Standing
    Plus Many More!
    @ xDRO  @ Kamikaze  @ Hylos




    *This is an unsanctioned event please join at your own risk*

    1. Millennium


      people who have the 250 lockpick title: The Best Win GIF by eUnited

    2. hawk


      Hopefully I get to see this in action 🙂

  12. Obvious tower lag @ xDRO
  13. lol @ ThatNerdyGuy  imagine having to share a birthday with @ Hats

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Well, mine was first so he's sharing it with me lmao

    2. Creepy


      True! Your mom slung leg first!

  14. Hello friends!

    Happy Birthday @ Lime

  15. Even if it's 5% of civs, it's still enough of a % that sAPD felt the need to make the change. I'm simply saying it should have been a conversation. Maybe it was, but I was led to believe it was not.
  16. For what it's worth, I'm 100% against this change. Especially if it didn't go through a staff/civ council. Fairly large quality of life buff for the APD that is going to hurt the civs quite a bit. Lots of times I've "pointed a titan" at a ghosthawk, but the gunner didn't swing on me in time and I squirreled it away and re-positioned. Now you'll just get gunned down regardless of what you're doing or if you even used an explosive or not.
  17. @rabid we miss you. Please come back!

    @xDRO @Hylos

    1. buckie


      We don’t miss you

  18. Happy REAL Thanksgiving!

    Looking at you, Canada.

    1. Marty


      How rude! Prepare for war.

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