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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. Yeah this might be the most inaccurate list ever.
  2. Special thanks to the boy @gaz for helping me edit this and allowing this master piece to exist. BTW THE JOKE WAS "PRODUCT"
  3. Idk man he may be a dictator but I know he's better than his sister will be. I heard she hates America more than anything.
  4. In all honesty I think the real reason @decla went off on @ThatNerdyGuy was because declas still a little salty about the outcome of the revolutionary war.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N7Zero


      NA:  Worlds strongest army, "american dream", spends over 700bil on military.

      China: Spills corona 25c4ab3b8b41978ba2b2ab2bf36a6a45.png

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      China: Spills Corona


      Boris Johnson: 🤢🤮

    4. Linka


      ohhh do i have some dirt on @decla

  5. @Noble can only win feds when it's with cheaters.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Vcx


      Crazy because like this week started yesterday and i did say all week so idk where the lies are 

    3. Unjo


      Crazy how we in a world wide historical event and yall still get mad over virtual gold 

    4. krex


      I dindu nuffin

  6. I can't give you an offer but if you got a price than we'll talk.
  7. Dude people really want vigi's to be cops with less rules huh.
  8. @billdroid & @JuanDeaged tested positive for corona virus

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zoomzooooooom


      ^ gonna need answers

    3. Noodles:D


      Yes they really have it. I think this is a ploy from the US government to catch terrorist. 

  9. @rapidaax Get me some free shit from Amazon HBD


  10. Bears in DayZ 


    1. Raquese


      @Noodles:D good thing it wasn't manbearpig

    2. Millennium


      Im definitely a better bear noise than the bear itself

    3. Millennium


      it was also perfectly queued

  11. o7 kids can't take a joke
  12. @TheMrB Those kids are for me fuck you pedo

  13. Okay I'm not reading all those status updates someone wanna give me the shortened answer for grego from both sides? Because I'm curious. 

    1. Millennium


      He is permed rn bc someone cheated on his alt. He is saying he sold his alt account to someone else a while ago, But since it still had his Ip he got permed. Admins think he is lying and think that it was Grego that was cheating.

    2. Noodles:D
  14. o7 @Strae we'll miss you @decla o7 thank god

  15. Noodles:D

    WTS Ghawk

    How much as a general price
  16. @Cyanide Happy Birthday cutie

  17. @ShoTime has a super big dick

  18. We should start the Olympus faceit hub back up.



    1. destruct


      Yeah maybe maybe since everyone's at home chillin', maybe this weekend.

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