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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. imagine spending real money on fake money lmao
  2. @Eggmasta @billdroid happy birthday idiots

    1. eggmasta






  3. You'd be the type of guy to like black people.
  4. Don't feel bad for these idiots they were being cancer since round one. @Ryan I better win that giveaway you jew @ooooooooo
  5. Warning point for bee movie script 🤡


  6. Goodbye Pledge, I love you!
  7. @gaz no way you're 18. You look 30. Happy b-day qt

    1. gaz


      🙂 thanks my brotha

  8. Noodles:D


    @NokiaStrong new hoi4 dlc came out. Wanna play sometime? o7
  9. Dude the new tags look sooo bad.

  10. b85a70aa8fa7120f1da5aecb783e5d74.pngSo far I'm moving on to step 3.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Millennium


      2 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      just offer to smoke them up

      not if she is a good christian girl @Noodles:D

    3. Noodles:D


      !Update! For those who don't know I texted another girl a different one. She responded but it ended in a "no"

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Tips to help Noodles

      • Noodles should save himself from future embarrassment and just become gay
  11. Why do @destruct tags look so much better than the current ones.

  12. Oh my god who allows anyone named Kevin to have a birthday @hawk

  13. Damn this shitpost was worse than yours @KGB JOSH
  14. @Jester I know you're 300lbs but I still love you. Happy Valentines Day big boy!




    Also @maxg said he would be your valentine if you don't take me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. maxg


      @Noodles:D Sorry, Jester is already my valentine, we are gonna take a nice crane ride out of our home and then go eat the homeless people.

    3. billdroid


      Hey guys just got assaulted by my valentine. He viciously attacked my asshole and I feel great #poggers

    4. buckie


      @billdroid I’ll be your valentine sand monkey

  15. Ah yes @Strae I too think I'm a simp. @The tacosmell lookalike. Also @Mita I'm underage so hmu boo
  16. @MAV happy birthday big man. 32 years old and play video games with kids.

  17. It's @KGB JOSH I mean have you seen his shitpost?
  18. Oh my god look at this old ass man @Crenshaw

  19. I hope @Zeuse is ready to repeat himself alot during test. @thor congrats guys

  20. Happy Birthday to the boys @Pledge and the farmer @Decimus

  21. Congrats @Kedar finally you got corporal!

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