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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you want Corbyn to be the PM you are genuinely retarded.

    3. N7Zero


      pretty sure boris wants to privatise NHS.. no thx 🙂

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      After the disaster that is currently how the US is handling the coronovirus there's no way he'd ever make that happen ;D

      Would still be preferable over Corbyn tbh ;D

  1. News article was posted on feb 20. https://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/39805-themrb/ visited last wednesday and posted last on march 11th, is this a boonie look-alike?
  2. I always thought retired meant you left willingly 🤷‍♀️

    1. Pledge


      In my day it did.

    2. Legendary
    3. Linka


      can confirm this is now false 

  3. 5 Hours.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Linka


      @Ansarith like i completely understand what you are saying, but this community is full of toxic ass memes. standing up against them or saying how you dislike them literally does nothing but make people want to post them and joke about it more. 

    3. Ansarith


      @Linka Oh I know I just like to have some banter tbh lol, I'm not really into the "politics" on this server but just kinda do my own thing, plus its always fun to learn who is circle jerking with who lmao

    4. Linka


      @Ansarith oh yeah, not hard to find those either

  4. @Mr Majestic Heard they handing out cash, hawks, and retired tags for abusing your role, better get on that.

    1. i win

      i win

      SeLlInG cIv CoUnCiL HaTcHbAcKs FoR pIzZa

    2. Christoph



      46 minutes ago, Mr Majestic said:


      SeLlInG cIv CoUnCiL HaTcHbAcKs FoR pIzZa


      What kinda toppings you like and are you a stuffed crust or thin type of guy?

    3. monster


      what do you want for the uni @Mr Majestic

  5. 4 Crate inside the bank on market for 8m s1.

    1. Millennium


      Damn u could actually make so much money off that since you cant fly off with it anymore. Too bad i got 200k

    2. Drippp


      Wym you can’t fly out anymore? @Millennium

    3. Millennium


      @Drippp you aren’t able to put money bags in aerial vehicles, you can have it on ur person in it but cant store it in that johnson

  6. Coronavirus is hardly lethal to young people. It only kills old people
  7. Truly an asset to the civilian council.
  8. TRUE the 50 cal armed plane is a highly requested change, and I'm disgusted that it isn't in this update.
  9. tfw you stay up all night with a server truce doing meth runs.
  10. Since it sounds like you're trying to throw away money, you're better off taking that 10k to a casino.
  11. He do be right about sandman doe
  12. Yea that's some rdm chief, but you need a longer video.
  13. Here's the most recent. Feel free to go through all of our roundtable posts.
  14. Don't think any of us care that much about the game anymore.
  15. Anyways, I think it's still obvious that nerdy should've been chief and not sandman especially from what I've seen so far, and I'm even more surprised he's not dep chief yet. Shame on the sapd.
  16. Maybe in your teamspeak channel, but they never said anything about the bank during roundtables. If they have such a problem with it maybe they should improve their communication skills. Funny part is that civ council literally brought up the balance issues while the bank was being developed but sapd remained silent, so this situation is entirely on them.
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