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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Updates posted by silton

  1. There really do be no nibbas on the chain of command that can cop lethals. 

  2. ddos is not a joke. apd are a joke ez 6 man fed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Big Steve

      Big Steve

      Ez 5am whole server fed

    2. silton


      Just now, Big Steve said:

      Ez 5am whole server fed

      9pm idk what youre talking about

    3. Strae


      tfw BW can't do a 7-11ish man dome strat fed vs 6 apd 

  3. Imagine not getting FTO. hehexdlmao

  4. Great admin! 


    1. Ryan


      Sir the proper action was taken to resolve this mess! His music has since been destroyed.

  5. APD really do be lackin

  6. ETA on old athira rebel? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      wait it is at the old location.........


    3. silton


      2 minutes ago, Luke Duke said:

      wait it is at the old location.........


      Yeah its at the old old I want it at the old

      The 2016

    4. DashTonic


      I like the one we have :/

  7. has anyone ever made a vehicle?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      2 hours ago, Bojo said:

      ETA on removing that useless shit and brining in BW Vehicle crafting??? Already gotten approved. 

      What kinds of vehicles then?

    3. SPBojo
  8. Acquiring new computer tower due to feds being very big black what should very poor man get

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      What gpu do you have if you get a cpu that is way more advanced than the gpu it will bottleneck

    3. Ven nom nom nom

      Ven nom nom nom


      if you plan on overclocking I would go with a better cooler

  9. ETA on lasts war points getting removed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xeltini


      yea that banned retard needs them deleted

    3. Linka


      Yeah it’s completely unfair... only real god of war deserve it!!

    4. sped


      xeltini god of war prospect?

  10. @Drama let me help set up this gang wars and make this shit how the people want it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tacosmell
    3. Marzoh


      @Drama please, my daddy wants his darlings to play, please remove the requirements. 

    4. ChicoXL


      Daddies Darlings are an active gang on the Olympus Servers.

      This stops nothing.

  11. wooo old man is gone!

  12. @Ryan stop banning all of the Australians for no reason you fuck wit

    1. Ryan


      Who did I ban now smh and if they were banned then theres a reason ;) 

  13. If I ever see ads on this forum I swear to Steve Irwin its fucking over

  14. fucking gay cunt

    1. Ryan


      Love you too qt:wub:

      1v1 me bedwars

  15. ETA on Portable Big Towers.

    @Peter Long

    1. J O E
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I want to place tower and swing it around to kill everyone. 

  16. Boys Free When?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      3 hours ago, N7Zero said:

      from experience, freeing the boys  means "SCRAPING THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL" so... make them Scrap the barrel. :deIlluminati:

      Wait do you want us to scrape the barrel or scrap the barrel cause those are 2 very different things in this context ;D

    4. N7Zero


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Wait do you want us to scrape the barrel or scrap the barrel cause those are 2 very different things in this context ;D

      me biig dumb.. Related image

  17. bring back tanoa

    1. silton


      6 minutes ago, Matt The Savage said:

      X Silton BTW

      wasn't in X btw I was in ZF

    2. silton


      7 minutes ago, Matt The Savage said:


      we smacked r up soooo

  18. Merry Christmas

    1. bigSMOKE


      Maybe the Australian FBI will give you back your pc from the evidence locker for Christmas 

    2. silton


      21 minutes ago, bigSMOKE said:

      Maybe the Australian FBI will give you back your pc from the evidence locker for Christmas 

      Fingers crossed

  19. YIKES. 1st @Jamie then @Deputy Dog now we have the most retarded, @MAV. When I thought the server was going up. :( 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. destruct


      Sounds like you've never talked to the guy.

    3. silton


      7 minutes ago, destruct said:

      Sounds like you've never talked to the guy.

      Sadly I have

    4. MAV


      Talked to me once, when he wanted to get me banned for not pardoning him and letting all his friends go on a very clear cut incidental crash which caused both vehicles to blow up.. even though doc was there and said I was fine (which I was)... Since then our relationship has been clear :D 

      Can't be liked by everyone, I'm ok with this one not liking me :D

  20. @Dante enjoy raiding Warzone. It's all yours now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MAV


      Legit the dumbest argument to date ... There are dispatches from warzone to APD daily...it's usually something  like last alive and gang got wiped so call in the cops to piss of the other group or something ... TBH... 100% dedicated Cartels fighters on Olympus are the most premadona whiniest bitches on the server...y'all leave that's fine... Less drama I gotta read about... Just remember y'all got permed on asylum once (or more) I wouldn't be surprised if we see y'all back soon enough...


    3. JuanDeaged


      Y’all aren’t getting the point. I’m pretty sure he’s saying that you can raid war zone all u want but no one will be there hence “it’s all yours”

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
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