I've been apart of Olympus since 2016. Had a lot of interesting times here and met a lot of people from all around the world. Can say it's been a great experience , but it's my time to go. Most of my time I spent doing events in game for the players here to see some people have fun and I would always try to come up with new ideas for events and try to make them as fun as possible. Doing events was one of the fun times I had around here (even if at times they were absolute aids)
Started Olympus back in July of 2016 and never really got into the civ side of things at first. When I joined the APD that gave me something to grind for and I eventually ranked up to Dep Chief which was an interesting experience. Thanks to @TheCmdrRex for giving me a chance as Deputy Chief and for also saving my LT rank back in the day. Even though I wasn't the person that actually ratted lol @Mr GOAT. I never actually hated you and actually liked you as chief of police even though at the time you thought I was the person that snitched on you, I never held that against you. Good luck with the APD , you do great as Chief.
I grinded through Support team back in the day and was Support lead for months and had very interesting conversations with the boys @falcon @Regal @Julian @Kyle^ :) . Had some fun times with you guys and you were all the homies.
The 3 time map designer this was a great experience to build areas in the server and see the things you made in Olympus. This was back when I would get stoned af and stay up all night fucking around in the map editor. Thanks to @Jesse and @Strugglebus for giving me a shot at designer. Was fun to get roasted even when I made shit things in game.
The 2 time Admin had tons of interactions with all kinds of people that play here at Olympus. The staff team (most of them) puts in tons of work behind the scenes doing all kinds of different things. From hosting events , watching cringe videos of rdm reports where you can hear the kid eating a bag of chips for 4 mins of the video , searching through the logs , spectating people in game, looking for people that might be ban evading and tons of other stuff. They deserve a lot of credit for everything they do to keep Olympus going. Thanks to @McDili for trusting me with Moderator back in the day and also to @Ryan for pushing for me the second time around. I had tons of good times and experiences with the staff here.
Now for a few mentions
@Fusah the boy. Played countless hours here with you (and still do) and first met you when we were map designers. Your o7 post is probably 8 months late btw.:)
@Ryan Would say we were boys back in the day and had a lot of fun times playing lots of random ass games with you and @Viper @Xeltini and @last. Playing Gang beasts and overcooked was a blast. Goodluck to you in the future here at Olympus.
@Jesse & @Airman Met you boys when I first joined Savage Badger. Played tons of hours with y'all in game and other games like Pubg and really got some insight of all the work you put into developing here at Olympus back in the day. You put loads of time into this server and was by far the best Developer here.
@Kurt You were the boy and also was an amazing Developer here. Can remember tons of experiences when we played together. Good luck with your college degree homie.
@Sho one of my favorite sAPD members that I had the honor of promoting you to SGT. pushing very hard for you to get LT and would have given you Dep chief back in the day. Not a sheep that just goes along with what everyone else says and will actually speak out for what you believe. Good luck in life sir.
@falcon I remember the countless hours you and I put into grinding in the APD. It was fun playing with you over the years and hope your fatherhood is treating you well. Good luck with life homie.
@Jordan540 The Uno god. Have played countless hours with you on here doing all types of different stuff. The Prime Rib days were a blast and you made it an interesting experience. Always had fun playing with you and doing things in the APD with you as well. Good luck with life.
@Headless You put way to much time into this server but I can definitely see you care a lot about Olympus. Keep doing you and don't burn yourself out. Goodluck
@Fushigi This guy always had something to say Had loads of fun playing with you. (Btw : I never meta gamed you)
@Doc take notes.
At the end of the day this is just a video game. Some people put way to much time into this game myself included in the past. But Arma in general is just not fun anymore and I've been doing other things in life that is more enjoyable than playing here. I'm not gonna be that guy that never joins the server and does tickets from time to time just to keep an internet rank. Good luck to everyone and don't spend too much time wasting hours and hours playing Arma 3.